Thursday 25 September 2014

Ironic? Just Do It!

Wifey sprained her ankle when I was away for missions trip in Indonesia. Prayed for her via FaceTime and she felt much better. However, the recovery wasn't full even after praying for her several times when I came back.

Finally, I suggested that she should visit a sinseh. Today, she went to one near her school. I headed there to meet her.

As she was in the room for TCM massage, I spoke an auntie waiting outside the room. Got to know that she has spine issue, causing her left leg to be weak. One of the discs is loose, causing the nerve to press against the leg.

I asked if I could pray for her, which is rather ironic because my wife was in the room for TCM treatment. The old proverbs says, "Physician, heal yourself first." But I don't care. I got to just act and do according to the Word, even if my own wife wasn't completely healed.

Checked her legs and her left leg was shorter than the right by 2.5cm! Prayed and it grew out. Being skeptical at first, she said, "Prayer thingy really works ah?"

Got her to stand up and test her back. She couldn't tell if there was any difference as there was no pain at that moment.

Talked to her about Jesus before she went for her TCM treatment.

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