Sunday 7 September 2014

Healing of Deafness & Bodyguards

Prayed for a young, Indo guy with partial deafness. He could hear better after first round of prayer. Prayed a second time and he got completely healed! Praise Jesus!

Came back to hotel after night service and saw a group of Muslim bodyguards waiting outside the hotel. They were here to protect the governor who was staying in the hotel.

Received a word of knowledge for right knee. I went to approach them and asked if anyone of them had pain at the right knee. As I couldn't speak in their language, I could only point to my knee area and said, "Sakit sini", which means "pain here?"

One of them nodded. Prayed for him and he got completely healed. The "shock" look from his face was classic. He stood up and kept trying to bend his knee. He was amazed that he was healed. Immediately he shared with his other bodyguard friends. Another came to me with pain at his right thigh and one came to me with pain at his lower back. All of them received complete healing in Jesus' name! Praise Jesus!

I heard from an Indo translator, Herson that we can't share the Gospel here to the Muslims in the streets. As such, we could only say that Jesus healed them.

More Lord more!

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