Friday 26 September 2014

Left Thigh - Cab Driver

Read off a WOK for the cab driver - left thigh.

He was very shocked when I told him that. I told him that Jesus can talk to Christians and reveal information. He then shared that he used to attend church for a year but he's a scientific person. He still had doubts about Christianity.

I shared my whole conversion story with him throughout the journey and explained a tad of the Gospel. As he wasn't ready, I told him that he might want to go back to his church and experience more.

Prayed for his left thigh at my lobby area. He couldn't tell the difference unless he goes for a run. I'm trusting that God has healed him and this will be a powerful sign for him to enter this journey of faith.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Ironic? Just Do It!

Wifey sprained her ankle when I was away for missions trip in Indonesia. Prayed for her via FaceTime and she felt much better. However, the recovery wasn't full even after praying for her several times when I came back.

Finally, I suggested that she should visit a sinseh. Today, she went to one near her school. I headed there to meet her.

As she was in the room for TCM massage, I spoke an auntie waiting outside the room. Got to know that she has spine issue, causing her left leg to be weak. One of the discs is loose, causing the nerve to press against the leg.

I asked if I could pray for her, which is rather ironic because my wife was in the room for TCM treatment. The old proverbs says, "Physician, heal yourself first." But I don't care. I got to just act and do according to the Word, even if my own wife wasn't completely healed.

Checked her legs and her left leg was shorter than the right by 2.5cm! Prayed and it grew out. Being skeptical at first, she said, "Prayer thingy really works ah?"

Got her to stand up and test her back. She couldn't tell if there was any difference as there was no pain at that moment.

Talked to her about Jesus before she went for her TCM treatment.

Lower Part of the Leg

Had a word of knowledge that wasn't so clear. I saw a "lower part of the leg" for an auntie. Wasn't too sure if it was her left or right leg.

Checked with her and got to know that she has some spot-like growth on the lower part of her left leg (I didn't notice it before she showed me).

Wanted to pray for her but she said that her daughter is also a Christian and she can pray for her.

I realised that when I don't "see" the WOK clearly, it requires me to take a bigger step of faith to test it out.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Right Calf To Ankle Area

Received a WOK for one of the aunties who was waiting outside the Chinese classroom at the church. She has pain at her right calf to ankle area.

Prayed three times and she received healing. Not complete healing though. More Lord!

Saturday 20 September 2014

Guy With Cast On Right Leg

I had a word of knowledge in the morning when I was spending time with God. I saw a man with a cast from his right calf to ankle area.

In the evening, Carol, Jeshua and I went to Ikea at Tampines and I saw the exact same guy with the cast!

Didn't get to pray for him as I was there with my family. After sharing this with my wife, she told me that I could have asked her and she would let me go over to pray.

Airport Cleaner

Had a word of knowledge - right lower calf to ankle area - for a Malay cleaner at the airport.

She confirmed it. Prayed and she felt better. She also pointed to her left knee and requested prayer. Prayed and she felt better too.

She couldn't really communicate in English so there was no way I could talk more about Jesus.

Lord, I want to carry Your presence wherever I go.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Healing Seems Easier In The Missions Field

God ALWAYS wants to heal NOW. His will and His timing have already been decided when Jesus died on the Cross more than 2000 years ago. Whenever we don't see healing taking place, the problem is never with God. Jesus healed everyone who came to Him. It is clear that the issue is never with God. Thus, the issue must be with us.

The root of the issue lies with faith, because grace has already been released through Jesus Christ. God's grace doesn't increase or decrease. But how much we receive His grace depends on how we appropriate His grace by faith. Faith is not something we can produce by ourselves. It is a gift from God. Faith is released when grace is revealed. The more we see the goodness of God, the more we will respond with faith. As such, our faith increases when our personal revelation of His grace increases.

When I pray for the sick, I stand in faith for the sick person. The result of his healing depends on my faith, not his. It is wrong to say that a sick person is not healed because of his lack of faith. That is putting unnecessary burden or yoke on him. If Jesus healed all the sick (even those without faith, i.e. the father of the demon-possessed boy, Mark 9:24), it means that we are responsible to stand in faith for the sick person, because the sick person would usually be struggling with his faith. That doesn't mean that we should put all the blame on ourselves and beat ourselves when a sick person is not healed. It means that we should ask for a greater revelation of God's goodness so that we have greater faith for the NEXT person who needs healing. We must press on and not give up.

Having said that, I always have this question at the back of my mind, "Why does healing always seem easier in the missions field? It is the same God. It is the same person praying (i.e. me). The only difference is the location, i.e. missions field. What exactly is the difference?"

This morning, as I was worshiping the Holy Spirit, without even asking, the Holy Spirit began to reveal to me what seemed to be the answer.

I was brought to the passage where Jesus met the centurion who wanted his servant to be healed.

Now when Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to Him, pleading with Him,saying, “Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, dreadfully tormented.” And Jesus said to him, “I will come and heal him.” The centurion answered and said, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed. For I also am a man under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” 10 When Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said to those who followed, “Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel! - Matthew 8:5-10

Jesus had wanted to go and heal the servant. Notice, Jesus' faith only allowed Him to go to where the servant was and heal him. Nevertheless, the centurion's faith was different. Despite being a Gentile who was not supposed to approach Him for healing, the centurion said, "Jesus, You need not come. Just say a word and my servant will be healed." The centurion's faith simply required Jesus to say a word right where He was.

Even though Jesus was only ready to go to the centurion's place to heal his servant, the centurion's faith allowed Jesus to simply say a word on the spot. Of course, it took Jesus faith to do that. Since healing is by grace through faith, the one with greater faith "overwrites" the one without.

For example, if I'm ready to lay my hand on a sick lady in the missions field but she says, "No need to lay hand on me. Just say 'be healed' and I will be healed", then it will be done according to her faith and not mine. My faith only allows me to lay hand on her. Her faith allows me to simply say a word. When she is healed, I'm just a vessel to release God's healing upon her. But it is her faith that causes her to be well.

Healing is released by grace through faith. It can either be released through the faith of the healer (the one praying) OR through the faith of the recipient (the one who needs healing). The woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years had faith to receive healing by simply touching the hem of the garment of Jesus.

In the missions field (especially third world countries), the people are desperate and hungry. They have faith that God will heal them. As such, we see many healings taking place easily. In fact, healing is meant to be as easy as salvation. But somehow, we have made it too complicated.

Saturday 13 September 2014

WOK Before Checking Out

Was checking out of hotel when I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal WOK for the female receptionist.

I read off an image "below right calf near ankle". Asked her and she confirmed it. This WOK was so specific that I could point to the exact area before she told me.

Prayed twice and she got healed. Praise Jesus!

Friday 12 September 2014

WOK - Inner Healing

At a prayer and fast meeting, a girl was constantly shaking. Her head and arm was shaking. She was in great fear and agony.

My friend prayed for her but there was no response.

I asked the Lord what happened to her and I received a WOK - I saw in a vision where the father is abusing her. She is younger in the vision.

I asked the translator to help me check with her mother if she was ever abused by her father. Her mother gave a hesitant look before nodding her head. I asked if she had this condition before the abuse and she said no.

Then I realised that her condition was caused by the trauma due to the abuse of her father. Thus, she would need inner healing.

Led her through inner healing and she started smiling! Her fear and agony was gone!

Our team leader came over and continued with the inner healing and she became much better. Praise Jesus!

Thursday 11 September 2014

Spine straightened

Received a WOK for a hotel staff concerning his spine. He said that he didn't have spine problem. By faith, I told him to sit down so that I could check it. He didn't realise but his spine was a little crooked. Prayed for him and the spine was straightened in Jesus' name! Amen.

I told him with my limited Bahasa - "Jesus loves you."

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Healing At Luwuk Hotel

Arrived at Luwuk. Received a WOK for a hotel staff - pain at the back of her left knee. Checked with her and she said that its correct but it's the right leg. Prayed twice and she was healed.

Prayed for another staff with pain at stomach area. She received partial healing.

It is always exciting to carry His presence.

Healings At Slum Areas

Saw a group of women sitting outside a house at the slum area. Received a WOK - ankle pain for one of them. I asked her and she confirmed it. Prayed and she was healed. Another lady saw the healing and she came to me with pain at her right wing area. She was healed too. Another old nanny came to me with pain on both knees. Because of the goodness of God, she got completely healed!

Went to another slum area and received a WOK concerning lower back for a small group of adults (3 of them). 2 of them responded and received God's healing.

It's amazing how God loves them so much! He simply wants them whole because Jesus has paid for their healings on the Cross.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Healing of Deafness & Bodyguards

Prayed for a young, Indo guy with partial deafness. He could hear better after first round of prayer. Prayed a second time and he got completely healed! Praise Jesus!

Came back to hotel after night service and saw a group of Muslim bodyguards waiting outside the hotel. They were here to protect the governor who was staying in the hotel.

Received a word of knowledge for right knee. I went to approach them and asked if anyone of them had pain at the right knee. As I couldn't speak in their language, I could only point to my knee area and said, "Sakit sini", which means "pain here?"

One of them nodded. Prayed for him and he got completely healed. The "shock" look from his face was classic. He stood up and kept trying to bend his knee. He was amazed that he was healed. Immediately he shared with his other bodyguard friends. Another came to me with pain at his right thigh and one came to me with pain at his lower back. All of them received complete healing in Jesus' name! Praise Jesus!

I heard from an Indo translator, Herson that we can't share the Gospel here to the Muslims in the streets. As such, we could only say that Jesus healed them.

More Lord more!

Thursday 4 September 2014

Boy With Injured Wrist

Prayed for an Indian boy with injured wrist from playing soccer. He was wearing a cast.

After praying, I asked him to test out his wrist. As he moved his wrist, he gave a shock look and smiled.

"Are you better?"
He nodded his head joyfully.

His mum came over and he had to go.

God is good!

Does God Heal?

It is ALWAYS God's will and desire to heal, no matter what kind of sickness or disease you have. It doesn't matter whether you have sinned or not sinned. It is purely by His grace through our faith. It is ALWAYS the right time to be healed. You don't have to wait for a perfect timing to be healed. His timing was ALREADY decided more than 2000 years ago when Jesus died on the Cross (1 Peter 2:24).

God uses everyone and anyone to heal (Mark 16:16-18). You don't have to be gifted. You just have to be a believer.

Note: Jeshua, you must always remember this. Don't let circumstance and bad experiences alter the truth of God's Word. Always align your experiences to His truth. It is always His will and timing to heal. If you don't see the result, keep laying hands and healing until you see the result. Don't give up or be disappointed. The devil wants you to be disappointed so that you won't press on for breakthrough. He knows that once you are convinced of God's divine healing, he can't stop you. Keep on keeping on.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Another Printed In Image

On the way back to office from the hospital, I received a WOK printed (in image again) at the back of my mind for the cab driver. It's to do with his left foot. Checked with him and he said that he had pain on his left toe.

Offered to pray for him but he rejected.

More Lord more!

Printed In Image

Took a cab to visit a youth in hospital. Received a WOK printed (in image form) at the back of my mind for the driver. There was pain between his left bicep and elbow area. He confirmed it.

He asked me what I do for a living and I shared with him about church and healing. Prayed for him. He couldn't test out the difference as the pain comes on and off periodically. Trusting God for his healing. Amen.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Second Time - Printed

Was helping out with ushering at an event in our church when I saw a lady walking towards my direction.

I saw the words "left knee" printed at the back of my mind. This is the second time I received a WOK with printed words.

I checked with her and she confirmed. But she didn't allow me to pray for her as she was skeptical about it.