Saturday 8 January 2022

Where Is God In The Midst of Fear

Where Is God In The Midst of Fear

Recently, my wife was talking to her friend, who had been sharing about the vie-rus, the vex-xing, it's 'benefits', etc.

My wife posted a question to her, "Where is God in the past two years? We have forgotten Him in the midst of all these."

Her friend (a believer) kept silent. There was a moment of silence and reflection.

This is an important question that we should ask ourselves as believers.

"Where is God in the midst of fear?"
"Have we forgotten Him?"
"Is God really powerful and loving to me?"
"Is God really the Protector and Healer?"
"Is God a religion to me or a personal relationship to me?
"If God is personal, why am I living like a non-believer chasing after the vex-xing with fear of the vie-rus?"
"Is God bigger than the pan-there-meek or smaller than it?"
"Who is living inside you? God or mickey mouse?"
"Is God the Lord or the vex-xing is the Lord?"

Yeah, some might say that God provides the vex-xing solution to the world. Well, if it's not in the Word, it remains an opinion. Period. Our idea of who God is should not be an idea. Else it remains an idea. I don't like to play grey or sugar-coat. The Word is sure, certain and clear, because God wants us to know Him. He's not a God who plays hide-and-seek. He has shown His card fully so that we can know Him. He desires to be known. He wants to. He longs to.

We are not of the world. So our solution is not of the world. He is our Answer. While we are all still growing, we should not deny our lack of trust in Him by saying that He provided a worldly solution. That's self-preservation that keeps us from maturity. Instead, we need to acknowledge that we don't really trust Him as our Protector, Healer and Almighty, so that we can go deeper and grow further.

This year 2022, may we not repeat what we have been doing for the past two years. May we put our trust in Him deeper. He is the only One whom we can put all our eggs into one basket.

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