Thursday 27 January 2022

The Gospel Doesn't Stop

The Gospel Doesn't Stop

A lifestyle goes beyond a habit. It is built into you as part of you. Nothing can stop you when it has become part of you.

Bought a cup of yogurt for my son. As we were walking back home, we saw a man limping in front of us. So we purposely walked faster to catch up with him.

While the little boy was busy eating his yogurt, I struck a conversation with the man before ministering to him. He got healed and began to walk normally, looking surprised. Then I shared my own testimony of healing and the reality of the Gospel.

Following that, my son said to me, "You know Papa? I also keep sharing Jesus with my home-school friends." When we reached home, the first thing he told my wife is about what I did to the man.

You keep sowing seeds everywhere you go as a lifestyle. Because nothing should stop the Gospel from advancing.

I want my son to continually know that it is his responsibility to reach others with the Gospel. And the Gospel is not limited to this. Because it includes revealing truths and destroying lies and the works of the devil. 

For the Gospel is about enforcing His kingdom on earth. That cost John the Baptist his head because the earthly king couldn't bear the truth. And that cost Jesus everything on the Cross because the Jews and the Romans couldn't accept another Kingdom.

We must not back down for fear of the kingdom of darkness. For God has not given us the spirit of cowardice, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7).

Where the spirit of cowardice is, you can be sure that there isn't a sound mind/judgment. Neither is there His fiery love and power.

P.S: If you realise that you have stopped/reduced walking in power, love and a sound mind, it's because you have submitted to the spirit of fear, whether knowingly or unknowingly.

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