Saturday 5 September 2020

Discover What You Already Have

It is better to show you what you already have, then to give you what you think you do not have.

The former points you to Christ so that you don't need me. The latter points you to me so that Christ is not enough.

The former makes me dispensable in your life. The latter makes me indispensable.

The former empowers you. The latter feeds you in order to exalt me.

The line between the former and the latter can be so subtle that if you don't read the Word diligently and thoroughly, you will be convinced (and even convicted) that you need the latter.

Oh how far we have departed from the early church in the Bible. If a minister stays needed by people permanently, he has not empowered them to grow.

Your faith is not grown by what the preachers give to you. It is grown by knowing who you really are and acknowledging what is already in you through Christ's finished works.

That the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. - Philemon 6

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