Sunday 17 March 2019

Testimony from Kingdom War Part 3

As shared in part 1 and 2, our fight is not against FLESH and blood... Flesh not only includes others, it also includes ourselves. The kingdom war is never against people. Neither is it personal. It is always between the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness. The enemy aims to take your feet off the ground so that you forget to stand firm in your identity. Ephesians 6 teaches us to put on the full armour of who we are in Christ (identity), so that the enemy cannot disqualify us from the race.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, AND THEY DID NOT LOVE THEIR LIVES TO THE DEATH. - Revelation 12:11 (emphasis added)

The way to overcome the enemy isn’t just by the blood and the testimonies, but also to love not your life to the death. If the enemy touches you and realises that you care about your life, he has a hold on you. Until you have a hold on surrendering your life, the enemy has the hold on you. (Luke 9:24)

After a series of incident which I shared in earlier posts, I grew even more ‘aggressive’ in the kingdom. I refused to be moved. On the day I picked up my luggage and left, the enemy probably gave up. 

But he is always a loser, a sore one especially. The moment when I reached the airport, I received a text from my wife. She was breaking out in cold sweat, feeling giddy and couldn’t stand up to move.

What’s new? But he was born to lose anyway.

I was in Shibuya, Tokyo for less than 3 days with the missionary team. A church invited me to equip and empower their team as they had difficulty reaching the Japanese. They wanted to plant a local church there. I would not dare to assume that what we did in SG would work there. So we did a couple of trials and errors before we finally embarked on a momentum to reach them. It’s a whole different ball game compared to reaching Singaporeans.

In the first two days of outreach, we saw 8 salvations (with exchange of contact for follow-up and discipleship). It’s not easy to get the Japanese to exchange contact with you, especially when all of us are foreigners, strangers and hardly speak any Japanese. At the beginning of third day’s outreach, we quickly saw two salvations within an hour, and I had to rush back to the airport. We broke through the barriers in order to minister healings, prophetic and word of knowledge in cafe, streets, etc.

My role in this trip wasn’t to do the work of ministry but to equip them to do the work, so that after I have left, they could keep it going. And I’m elated to hear that the team are now all moving in word of knowledge and getting many contacts with the Japanese. Jesus!

It’s my passion to empower others to manifest the kingdom in the marketplace and through day-to-day living. Most of us don’t minister in church services, crusades and meetings. In fact, most unbelievers won’t go there too. For us to be effective in advancing the Gospel, we must reach the public square and marketplace, especially for first world nations. Personal & lifestyle evangelism, therefore, is an important area where many believers are not equipped to do. Don’t just bring people to crusades, meetings and booths for a Jesus-encounter. Instead, be the Jesus-encounter for people wherever you go.

I believe the momentum created in this trip will continue and the harvest will be reaped in Japan - salvation & discipleship. For the Gospel is not a hit-and-run but the way of life. Jesus!

P.S: I experienced a supernatural prevention of weight loss in this extended fast. It was the first time I prayed in a fast, “Father, I thank You for supernatural prevention of weight loss in this fast.” My wife said, “Surprisingly... you didn’t lose much weight this round.” Having said that, I also experienced great hunger in the cold weather. 😂😂

Note: Despite encountering a series of event, I believe that divine protection is available for every believer such that we can be free from such attack. However, IF it comes, the way to overcome is to disregard it as personal and love not our lives.

Saturday 16 March 2019

Testimony from Kingdom War Part 2

As shared in part 1, our fight is not against FLESH and blood... Flesh not only includes other people, it also includes ourselves. In other words, kingdom war is never against people. Neither is it personal. It is always between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. This revelation is the key to overcome what the enemy throws at you.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, AND THEY DID NOT LOVE THEIR LIVES TO THE DEATH. - Revelation 12:11 (emphasis added)

We often quote the blood of Jesus and the testimonies without quoting the last part. The Bible says ‘AND’... Surrendering our lives and not taking circumstances in a personal way is the power to overcome the enemy.

Before my trip to Japan, I was on an extended period of fast. I usually don’t advocate fasting because we are in the New Covenant. Many believers, in my opinion, fast for wrong reasons. I have had written many posts on why it is not necessary to fast, and why we are not obligated to fast in the New Covenant. It is more important to live a fasted life (Gal 2:20) than a life of fasting.

Disclaimer: I’m not against fasting. Personally, I’m just not for many of the reasons why we fast. And this post is not about fasting anyway.

I wasn’t fasting because I had to go for missions. This trip just happened to fall within my fast. I felt a need to remind myself that I am dead in Christ and realigned my dependence on Him.

Halfway through the extended fast, after I recovered from the bad fever, I was suddenly down with strange sore eyes (yes, both sides!). The eye pus and discharge were so bad that I couldn’t open my eyes when I woke up in the morning and I continued to have blurred vision throughout the whole day. I knew this is yet another scheme from the enemy. So I simply rested in Him and stood firm on my identity and the finished works. This went on for a few days.

One night, I got up from bed during wee hours to go to the bathroom. I tried hard to open my eyes and before I knew it, heaviness and giddiness came upon me. There was no way for me to stand on my feet. I fell backwards onto the floor, lying there unconscious. Thank God for protection, because the back of my head missed the toilet bowl by a few cm. My wife was awakened by the loud bang and she came hastily to my rescue. Unknown to me, she recognised that my body was in a shock mode due to my eyeballs, because she was trained in AED. It took 1-2 minutes before I regained my consciousness. In a nutshell, she was worried to death.

Now I have been on a lifestyle of fasting since 2009. Never once had I experience any form of giddiness or discomfort. What happened next was more challenging than what I thought would be.

My wife said, “Dar, you have to break your fast. Or I won’t let you go Japan. You have to choose one.”

Now I fully understood why my wife said that. Because she loves me deeply. She cares for me way more than I care for myself. I believe that any wife will say the same thing. Before this incident, she was so supportive of my trip.

But we were told to put on the whole armour of God, so that we can withstand the crafty wiles of the enemy (Eph 6:11). One of the schemes of the enemy is to use your loved ones to stop you. I recognised it, hence, I did not explain any further at that juncture to my wife.

Within the next three days, my loving wife persistently and relentlessly reiterated that I had to choose between the two options. She added, “Jeshua is still young and he needs you alive. You cannot be irresponsible.” That was pretty challenging.

I considered, evaluated and communed with the Father. The fast wasn’t a legalistic thing. I could have broken my fast anytime and there wouldn’t be any issue between the Father and me. He’s not into the act of fasting anyway.

But faith arose in my heart and I perceived the works of the enemy. The Holy Spirit reminded me, “AND they did not love their lives to the death.” I meditated on this verse and I had determined in my heart to surrender my life to Him. If I were to shrink back, the enemy would be happy. Instead, I laughed and said, “Father, I thank You that You loved me and You have given me Jesus. Your life for my life and now my life is Yours. I thank You that You have made me more than a conqueror. I am not moved by my circumstances. I am moved by how good You are.”

I just smiled to my wife each time she brought up the issue, without arguing or explaining, for I knew that she was overwhelmed by the incident and would not be ready to listen. On the following day, the strange sore eyes cleared up.

On the night before the trip, she softened her stance and said, “Dear, can you sit down and let’s talk?” She still didn’t feel safe for me to travel alone as I continued my fast, knowing that the weather was very cold in Japan (down to 6-7 degrees as it was windy). I reassured her that I would be kept safe under His protection.

The way to overcome the enemy isn’t just by the blood and the testimonies, but also to love not your life to the death. At one point, I thought in my heart, “If I go, I go. But I know I won’t. Because my assignment is not yet completed on earth.”

Disclaimer: What I did is not a method to be followed. Do not put God to the test. Understand the heart behind and the revelation of the kingdom war.

Some may think it’s foolishness. But if you know what the enemy is confronting against, you will understand where I am coming from. I did not take it personal because the war was between two kingdoms - LIGHT and darkness.

In part 3, I will share more, as well as the fruit that came out of this.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Testimony from Kingdom War Part 1

Our fight is not against flesh & blood, but against the principalities and powers of the dark world...

Facing resistance when you are advancing the kingdom is part and parcel of our privileged life as sons and daughters. What I am going to share is a fuller picture prior to my missions trip to Japan to equip the missionaries for reaching the Japanese ---- one of the tougher groups to reach. 

Japan was the first country God put in my heart when I became a believer. I picked up elementary Japanese language as a newborn believer to prepare myself for missions in Japan when I was convicted by Matt 28:18-20 one day. Little did know that it took 13 years before I was sent there by His grace. If I were to be there many years earlier, it would not have been effective.

(Thanks to the workers who have laboured and plowed the land for many years in Japan!)

My desire is to reach the first world nations (Japan, Singapore and Australia) so that the rich can prosper the poor in third world nations. Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (Luke 18:25). Why? Self-dependence, which is pride in nature. 

In third world nations, it is easy for one to embrace the Gospel because they are desperate for help. We see signs and wonders, and scores of souls coming to Christ in developing countries. The challenge in these countries is not reaching them with the Gospel. It is empowering them to have life skills so that they get providence. On top of that, discipleship is also necessary for them to live a transformed life. 

Often, we miss the point when we just presumptuously think that we are doing a great job by preaching the Gospel to them. Take a look at Africa --- they have more than 50% Christians. But look at the transformation of their society and you will know that just getting someone saved is not the answer ---- some of them just keep getting saved over and over again, if you know what I mean. In certain parts of Indonesia, there are plenty of Christians. They have encountered massive signs and wonders. But having been there a few times and having consulted a popular local evangelist and pastor who travels extensively and regularly throughout different regions of Indonesia, the problem that most local churches face is still DISCIPLESHIP and PROVIDENCE.

The Gospel is not a hit-and-run. So often, we get exhilarated preaching in crusades, holding services and meetings in third world nations, with testimonies after testimonies of how people encounter the Lord in miracles, signs and wonders. After we leave, it's back to zero. Because there is no change in the lives of the people ----- due to the lack of discipleship and providence. Without providence or life skills to produce providence, nobody is keen to focus on discipleship. When basic needs are not even met, it is tough for the head of a household to pursue the kingdom and be fully committed.

It is with this in mind that we need more people to reach the first world nations ---- the affluent ones. It is definitely not as easy to get someone saved as compared to developing nations; it is definitely not as common to see tremendous miracles, signs and wonders as consistently as developing countries, BUT it is something worth pursuing. Because they can be sent out to be a blessing for the third world natives.

The rich are educated to equip them with life skills.
The rich are blessed to be a blessing for them.
The rich can improve the living conditions of the poor.

Disclaimer: There is nothing wrong reaching the third world. It is a good and necessary thing. We just need to send out workers to reach the first world too.

Going to Japan has renewed my perspective on the Gospel of the Kingdom. Japan has a long history for her culture. It is complacent to think that what works in the Western world (and even Singapore) will work in this self-preserving nation. I love their rich heritage. And I love how they preserve the culture even till today.

Before I headed there, I encountered a series of event that reinforced my understanding and belief on the kingdom. And yes, what the enemy intended for evil, God has used it to strengthen me even further. So thanks to you, mr s.a. tan for indirectly empowering me.

The kingdom war is real. But it is NEVER about you. Once we allow it to become personal, we lose the power to walk in victory. 'Our fight is not against FLESH and blood' ----- we usually say that it is not against people. But the word 'flesh' also refers to OURSELVES, because we are in the flesh (body) too.

I shared that I was down with a bad fever before the trip, which took me by surprise, because I had walked in divine health for a few years. Little did I realise that more stuff would happen before the trip. And I'll share in the next part.

Note: As mentioned before, we can walk FREE from such physical attack because we have divine protection. I am still growing in that. But God is sovereign and He used the attack and turned it for my good.

Saturday 2 March 2019

Never Stumble Ever

There is a place where we can walk in, such that we never fall or stumble. The original image of God was not created to stumble. He was created to take dominion on earth.

When Christ died and rose, He breathed into us the Spirit of Life that redeemed us and restored us back to the original image. Our spirit is perfected (Col 2:10; Heb 10:14), but our soul is still catching up with the true identity of who we are.

For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. - Rom 6:14

For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. - Rom 5:17

Whoever has been born of God DOES NOT sin, for His seed remains in him; and he CANNOT sin, because he has been born of God. - 1 John 3:9 (emphasis added)

The Spirit in us does not and cannot sin. This is why we are called to walk in the Spirit and be led by the Spirit (Rom 8:4, 13-14).

However, the Scriptures reveal the KEY to walk in such dominion over sin.

For he who lacks THESE THINGS is SHORTSIGHTED, even to blindness, and has FORGOTTEN that he was cleansed from his old sins. Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you DO THESE THINGS you will NEVER STUMBLE; - 2 Peter 1:9-10 (emphasis added)

These things refer to faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love (2 Peter 1:5-7). If we 'DO THESE THINGS', the Bible says that we will NEVER STUMBLE. In the Greek, it means 'never fall, never stumble EVER!'

But it says that if we lack these things, it's because we are SHORTSIGHTED and has FORGOTTEN that we were cleansed from our old sins.

What's the point? We need to establish and remind ourselves WHO WE REALLY ARE ----- we need to SEE CLEARLY our true identity in Christ. We need to remember that we have been forgiven and made the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God. If we are firmly rooted in this without a shadow of doubt, it produces faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love ------- and the result is... we will NEVER STUMBLE EVER. Jesus! 

Let's all grow into this. #identity #revelation