Tuesday 26 February 2019

Posted This 3 Years Ago

Posted this three years ago...

“The way we receive healing is the same way we receive salvation. By grace through faith. Just as we don't feel anything when we receive salvation, we don't need to feel anything when we receive healing. What is visible should not overwhelm what is invisible. If we see the invisible, we will see the visible. The feeling of present pain should not overwhelm the truth that I am healed. When we come to that place, we will see our body aligned to the truth.

Few years ago, I was struggling with an autoimmune disease. Doctors said that there is no cure for this. My inflammation marker was so high that I could hardly walk. On some days, I had to be bedridden. One day, I saw in a passage what faith is about. Faith is about a loving Father who loves you and who only wants to do good to you. Faith is about living in the invisible realm where the loving Father has given ALL things to us. When I realised that, I stopped striving to be healed. I gathered as many Scriptures on healing as possible. I started meditating daily. The pain was still real. But I no longer let the visible affect what I have in the invisible. It is easy to become so adjusted to the pain that we let the pain become a norm in our lives. When that happens, we have let the visible reign in our lives. I refused to succumb to that. I told my body daily to subject to the truth, even though I was feeling the pain.

From that time onwards, each time when I went for a medical review, my inflammation marker kept dropping. Finally, the doctor asked, "What did you do to your body?" A patient with my sickness would not be able to bend many areas of his body. But I could bend more than an average person. Doctor said, "Your blood is now like a normal person." 

I have been off medication for years. What the doctor could not do, doctor Jesus WILL and CAN. I'm convinced that Jesus is our Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer!” #focusontheinvisible #salvationincludeshealing

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