Tuesday 26 February 2019

Posted This 3 Years Ago

Posted this three years ago...

“The way we receive healing is the same way we receive salvation. By grace through faith. Just as we don't feel anything when we receive salvation, we don't need to feel anything when we receive healing. What is visible should not overwhelm what is invisible. If we see the invisible, we will see the visible. The feeling of present pain should not overwhelm the truth that I am healed. When we come to that place, we will see our body aligned to the truth.

Few years ago, I was struggling with an autoimmune disease. Doctors said that there is no cure for this. My inflammation marker was so high that I could hardly walk. On some days, I had to be bedridden. One day, I saw in a passage what faith is about. Faith is about a loving Father who loves you and who only wants to do good to you. Faith is about living in the invisible realm where the loving Father has given ALL things to us. When I realised that, I stopped striving to be healed. I gathered as many Scriptures on healing as possible. I started meditating daily. The pain was still real. But I no longer let the visible affect what I have in the invisible. It is easy to become so adjusted to the pain that we let the pain become a norm in our lives. When that happens, we have let the visible reign in our lives. I refused to succumb to that. I told my body daily to subject to the truth, even though I was feeling the pain.

From that time onwards, each time when I went for a medical review, my inflammation marker kept dropping. Finally, the doctor asked, "What did you do to your body?" A patient with my sickness would not be able to bend many areas of his body. But I could bend more than an average person. Doctor said, "Your blood is now like a normal person." 

I have been off medication for years. What the doctor could not do, doctor Jesus WILL and CAN. I'm convinced that Jesus is our Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer!” #focusontheinvisible #salvationincludeshealing

Monday 25 February 2019

Divine Protection & Health Part 2

As shared in the previous post, God has given every believer divine protection and health (Psalm 91). We are meant to fulfill our assignment on earth without sickness.

I shared that I was under attack by the enemy. That was my experience. But in truth’s reality, we can be FREE from attack directly from the enemy —— this includes sickness, accident leading to injury, premature death, etc.

Some people may say, “But so-and-so was godly, yet he died of an accident; so-and-so was full of faith, yet he died of sickness.” And the list goes on.

My job is not to question why the unexpected happened to them. Neither am I supposed to find out the cause. My focus is on what the Word says because the Word is Truth. My experience must line up with the Truth.

At the end of the day, these so-and-so are not our example. Jesus is our ultimate Example. Even if I don’t experience divine health at the end of my life’s journey, I will not let my experience alter the Truth. It just means that I still have to grow.

Jesus walked under divine protection throughout His life on earth. No one could lay a hand on Him. Even the constant whipping couldn’t kill Him. Neither did the nails kill Him. He gave up His own life (Luke 23:46; John 10:18). 

Apostle Paul, too, chose when he wanted to go, after the fulfillment of his assignment and race (Phil 1:21-25; 2 Tim 4:6-7).

Divine Protection & Health are our inheritance as believers.

...who are kept by the power of God through FAITH for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. - 1 Peter 1:5 (emphasis added)

We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one DOES NOT touch him. - 1 John 5:18 (emphasis added)

Above all, taking the shield of FAITH with which you will be able to quench ALL the fiery darts of the wicked one. - Eph 6:16 (emphasis added)

If we can quench ALL the fiery darts of the enemy, it means that there is a place where we can walk into, such that the enemy could not touch us.

The key to Divine Protection & Health is FAITH. This means that we can place our full trust in the Good Father who desires to protect us and watch over us 24/7.

If I’m under an attack (NOT referring to persecution and suffering for the Gospel’s sake), it means that the fiery dart managed to hit me. In other words, I have room to grow by His grace so that NO fiery dart can reach me.

Disclaimer: We should not be discouraged if we ever get hit. Instead, we should turn our attention to behold Him MORE. It’s a privilege to seek Him deeper in intimacy.

The Last Adam had to be hung on the Cross (Deut 21:23; Gal 3:13) in order to become sin and be cursed. God didn’t curse His Son. Neither did He punish or judge His Son. God judged SIN (Rom 8:3) and destroyed that which cursed us when Jesus became sin on the Cross. We have been redeemed back to the original image. 1 Peter 1:3 says that we have been ’begotten AGAIN’ —— we were God’s sons to begin with, and now we have been restored back to sonship.

The original image was never supposed to be sick or die prematurely. The original image has divine protection and health! Jesus! #identity #divineprotection #divinehealth

Sunday 24 February 2019

Divine Protection & Health Part 1

I hardly share this because of the reaction of many. It is a tough topic and some are not ready to hear. However, I felt that what I am going to share is going to open up the hearts of others who are ready, so that they can step into the same identity that Christ has given to ALL believers.

God has given us divine protection & health (Psalm 91). If sin didn’t come in, there wouldn’t be death (Rom 5:12). Adam would live forever without sickness. He would walk under God’s divine protection.

The same life that God breathed into Adam (Gen 2:7) was restored to us when Christ resurrected and breathed into us (John 20:22). In fact, the word ‘breathed’ in both passages was the EXACT same word used in NT Greek & Septuagint. When we receive the Spirit of Life, we are redeemed to the beginning —- Man before the Fall.

In other words, we can walk in divine protection and health, without any sickness. Kenneth Hagin went to be with the Lord without sickness. Andrew Wommack only fell sick once (due to exhaustion) in 38 years. Curry Blake has never been sick since the birth of his second daughter.

For close to four years (since I received the revelation on divine health), I haven’t seen a doctor. Common flu is not common for you because you are not a common man. You are a son of God.

Disclaimer: I have nothing against anyone going to see a doctor if you are unwell. It’s just my personal conviction to walk some stuff out, since I preach on divine health and healing. Pls understand my heart on sharing this 🙂

For three times when I was about to feel the symptoms of flu, I immediately ate potato chips (I shared this testimony before) and got completely healed. The first Adam ate into sin. Because of Redemption by the last Adam, we can now eat into life. I believe that every food we eat can become the Body of Christ (1 Tim 4:4-5) that releases healing into our body, if we eat in the right perspective of Communion.

Recently, I made a decision to do something. I actually do this regularly but I felt that it would be different this time —- something revelational is going to happen. Suddenly, 3 days before the day of ‘doing it’, I was hit by fever and flu.

J asked, “Papa, I have never seen you sick. How come you are sick now?” In his impression since young, he saw me walking in health. He ever questioned, “Why do Mama and I fall sick but you never fall sick?” Thus, it was bizarre for him to see me unwell few days ago. My wife asked, “Wah, when was the last time you were sick? 5 years?”

I knew it was an attack from the enemy to stop me from doing what I set out to do. Nonetheless, I still got hit when the reality is that I could have walked in divine protection. I’ll share more in part 2 on this.

I told him, “Jesus is never sick. Papa is still growing to be like Him. We are supposed to walk in health and not be sick.” I needed him to witness a living model before him, yet at the same time explained to him that his Papa is not perfect, but desiring to keep growing.

I stood firm and ‘fought’ the fever by resting in who I am in Him and staying in communion. In 2 days, I recovered by His grace. And my son got hit by sudden fever one day before the day of ‘doing’. 

I giggled in my heart, “The devil has no creativity. Always the same old method.” So we hit back and his fever was gone in a day.

On the day of ‘doing it’, my mum called me. She suddenly couldn’t get up from bed. Thank God she is fine now.

The attack of the enemy comes either directly or indirectly. It’s a war between 2 kingdoms and we must never take it personally. In fact, I rejoice when it comes because I know I’m pushing into his territory.

Having said that, there is provision granted to us for divine protection & health, which I will share more in the next part. I believe that as believers, we don’t need to go from healing to healing. We can walk in divine health without sickness. My testimony is just a glimpse into what is available for every believer. I believe that there will be a generation who walks wholly in this revelation. Jesus! #identity #divineprotection #divinehealth