Wednesday 19 December 2018

Kingdom Lifestyle 24/7 - Melbourne

Sharing this testimony to spur us on towards living the kingdom lifestyle 24/7. Your life is a LIVING outreach everywhere you go. 

I was away for a family trip in Aussie for 8 days. In this trip, we saw people healed, received word of knowledge, ministered to and heard Jesus in many places:

Staff at convenience store
Staff at Korean eatery
Staff at Western eatery
Staff at departmental store
Street busker
Staff in hotel
Baristas & staff in cafes
People at supermarkets
Air Bnb host
Air Bnb neighbour
People along the streets
Staff at vacuum cleaner store
Staff in airport
Flight attendants: They queued up to be ministered at the back of the cabin.

P.S: Of all the people I have encountered in my limited travel, Australians from Melbourne are (thus far) the hardest to reach concerning the Gospel message. They probably think I’m from China just because I look Chinese. Nonetheless, the Power & the Love of God know no boundaries.

Freely you have received, freely give. The Holy Spirit and you are ONE in union. You don’t have to wait for a prompting by the Spirit because you have already been prompted by the Word. You don’t have to wait for a word from God to move, because you already are the move of God through the Word. The Great Commission is the Great Permission to reach anyone, anywhere and anytime. Every single person is the target for the kingdom of God to manifest. Christ in you is the Hope of glory and Christ through you is the manifestation of that glory. Therefore, you are the encounter that the world is waiting for. As the Word lives in you, you can become the Word manifested in human flesh. You and I may be the only representation of Christ someone gets to encounter. And you never know what this ONE encounter will do to the person - whether you get to see the harvest reaped or not. The Holy Spirit will finish the work because while some plant and some water, it is God who brings the increase. Jesus! #collectingpayment #melexperience #lifestylechristianity101

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