Wednesday 26 December 2018

Col 3:5 - Died To Diseases

Kill therefore your members that are in Earth: fornication, impurity, DISEASES, wicked desires and greed... - Col 3:5 (Aramaic Bible with emphasis added)

In another translation, it says, “Consider yourself dead to...” In another, it says, “Live as one who has died to...”

If you have died to sin, it means that you are FREE from sin. You are no longer subjected to it. You can walk free.

Similarly, if you have died to diseases, it means you are FREE from them. You are no longer subjected to them. You and I can walk free and live in divine health. Jesus!

Father, I thank You that we have died to diseases. The old man who was susceptible to diseases (even common flu) had been crucified with Christ. It is no longer that old man who lived. It is Christ (the New Man) who lives in me. I am the New Man who is free from diseases. Jesus!

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