Thursday 27 December 2018

Redeeming The Kingdom Season

Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. - Col 4:5

I was reading on this passage today when the Holy Spirit highlighted the last three words to me continually. "Redeeming the time..."

Suddenly, I was brought to the passage in Ephesians 5.

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, REDEEMING THE TIME, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. - Eph 5:15-17 (emphasis added)

All of a sudden, everything clicked together. I checked the Greek words 'redeeming the time'. The exact phrase only appears twice in New Testament (Col 4:5 & Eph 5:16) and once (in context) in Old Testament, Ruth 4:7.

In Greek, it is "exagorazomenoi ton kairon".

'Exagorazomenoi' speaks of 'redemption', like how Boaz redeemed Ruth (Ruth 4:7), which was a foreshadow of how Christ redeemed us.

'Ton' speaks of the definite article 'the'. Some translations use the word 'you' and that is incorrect.

'Kairon' speaks of 'opportune time' or 'season'.

The whole piece naturally unfolded. We have been taught in the past to walk wisely so that we can redeem OUR own time (i.e. prevent stupidity and unnecessary mistakes/detours). Is it really about redeeming OUR time in such natural way of thinking? Let Scriptures interpret Scriptures.

The context of Col 4:5 is to walk wisely SO THAT we can reach the lost. This is why verse 6 talks about our speech.

Eph 5:15-17 points out the same thing. Walk wisely and understand the will of the Lord. What is the will of the Lord? That none shall perish (2 Pet 3:9).

How does one who walks wisely redeem the (opportune) time? The word 'redeem' in Greek also means 'to buy up, to make a wise and sacred use of every opportunity for doing good.' When you and I walk wisely before the lost, we are 'buying up opportune time' to the point where the lost encounters the Redeemer and experiences Redemption! That IS THE WILL OF THE LORD. That redeems the opportune time & evil days that the devil is having over the lost!

Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost --- that's redemption. When the lost ones are saved, not only are they redeemed, but in the kingdom's perspective, even the 'kairon' (season) is redeemed for His glory.

Let's go about REDEEMING THE TIME by walking in wisdom so that lost sons and daughters are reconciled to the Father! In that way, the Kingdom is accelerated. #revelation

Wednesday 26 December 2018

Col 3:5 - Died To Diseases

Kill therefore your members that are in Earth: fornication, impurity, DISEASES, wicked desires and greed... - Col 3:5 (Aramaic Bible with emphasis added)

In another translation, it says, “Consider yourself dead to...” In another, it says, “Live as one who has died to...”

If you have died to sin, it means that you are FREE from sin. You are no longer subjected to it. You can walk free.

Similarly, if you have died to diseases, it means you are FREE from them. You are no longer subjected to them. You and I can walk free and live in divine health. Jesus!

Father, I thank You that we have died to diseases. The old man who was susceptible to diseases (even common flu) had been crucified with Christ. It is no longer that old man who lived. It is Christ (the New Man) who lives in me. I am the New Man who is free from diseases. Jesus!

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Kingdom Lifestyle 24/7 - Melbourne

Sharing this testimony to spur us on towards living the kingdom lifestyle 24/7. Your life is a LIVING outreach everywhere you go. 

I was away for a family trip in Aussie for 8 days. In this trip, we saw people healed, received word of knowledge, ministered to and heard Jesus in many places:

Staff at convenience store
Staff at Korean eatery
Staff at Western eatery
Staff at departmental store
Street busker
Staff in hotel
Baristas & staff in cafes
People at supermarkets
Air Bnb host
Air Bnb neighbour
People along the streets
Staff at vacuum cleaner store
Staff in airport
Flight attendants: They queued up to be ministered at the back of the cabin.

P.S: Of all the people I have encountered in my limited travel, Australians from Melbourne are (thus far) the hardest to reach concerning the Gospel message. They probably think I’m from China just because I look Chinese. Nonetheless, the Power & the Love of God know no boundaries.

Freely you have received, freely give. The Holy Spirit and you are ONE in union. You don’t have to wait for a prompting by the Spirit because you have already been prompted by the Word. You don’t have to wait for a word from God to move, because you already are the move of God through the Word. The Great Commission is the Great Permission to reach anyone, anywhere and anytime. Every single person is the target for the kingdom of God to manifest. Christ in you is the Hope of glory and Christ through you is the manifestation of that glory. Therefore, you are the encounter that the world is waiting for. As the Word lives in you, you can become the Word manifested in human flesh. You and I may be the only representation of Christ someone gets to encounter. And you never know what this ONE encounter will do to the person - whether you get to see the harvest reaped or not. The Holy Spirit will finish the work because while some plant and some water, it is God who brings the increase. Jesus! #collectingpayment #melexperience #lifestylechristianity101

Monday 17 December 2018


If we realise that healing is in redemption, and the very breathe we received from Christ IS redemption, we can live in divine health. Even common flu is not common in the redeemed life.

We can look at someone who is sick and say, “Redeemed” and he will be set free, because the Son has already redeemed everyone on the Cross with His precious blood. Our message IS Redemption. Redeemed from domain of darkness into the kingdom of His beloved Son —- without sickness, curse, and death. Jesus! #redeemed

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Destroying The Snake

Destroying The Snake

This morning, I woke up praying and I saw in the Spirit how a snake is being cut into two. The Lord began to show me the key to destroying the works of the devil.

As we were walking down the streets in Melbourne, J suddenly said, “Papa, I had a dream last night. In the dream, you killed a snake. There were many snakes and other things in this place. But you killed the big snake. Only one. After you killed it, every other snake died.”

Man, his dream is prophetic and it’s a confirmation of what God spoke to me this morning. Come on Jesus!

Sunday 2 December 2018

40 Years

40 years ago, it was all eyes on one man of God named Billy Graham the evangelist.

40 years later, it will be all eyes on the God of Man named Jesus, who empowers all men to do the work of evangelist.

School of Power & Love 2018. Come and be empowered.