Sunday 4 November 2018

Post Halloween Party Among Residents

When I first moved into an EC, I thought of ministering to the residents at one shot in the Function Room, but under the regulations for the usage of the Room, it is not allowed.

Tonight, the residents organised a post Halloween party. Hence, we decided to join them as a family. I requested to set up a booth to do spiritual reading, healing, etc. And the committee agreed!

Healings, Word of knowledge, prophecies, etc. One gave her life to the Lord and another re-dedicated his life to Jesus! My desire for reaching the residents at one shot in my own EC has come to pass.

You and I can reach our neighbours and our own community right where we are.

And by His Grace, I actually won the best costume award. I guess everybody likes SpiderMan. Lol. #xperiential #halloween #residents #home #powerandlove2018

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