Monday 19 November 2018

Focusing On Jesus Part 4

Acts 9:2 - ...and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of THE WAY, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.

Acts 19:23 - And about that time there arose a great commotion about THE WAY.

Acts 22:4 - I persecuted THIS WAY to the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women,

Acts 24:14 - But this I confess to you, that according to THE WAY which they call a sect, so I worship the God of my fathers...

Acts 24:22 - But when Felix heard these things, having more accurate knowledge of THE WAY...

No one knew any branding. No one knew any church name. No one knew any ministry name.

They only knew THE WAY —— JESUS.

Focusing On Jesus Part 3

Acts 4:13 - Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus.

No branding. No church name. No ministry name. Only recognized as “having been with Jesus.”

The only Name branded and recognized is JESUS.

Focusing On Jesus Part 2

Looks like a confirmation of my previous post.

What an Electrifying Presence of God today that brings tears and reminds me of the days before I got saved when I was ‘electrocuted’ on my bed for several nights. Jesus, My complete grace.

Focusing On Jesus Part 1

Thursday 15 November 2018

John G Lake & Early Church

This morning, I am reminded of a dream where I had a conversation with John G Lake and Lindsay Gordon.

John G Lake wrote a letter during the peak of his ministry where he saw 100,000 documented healings (radical healings in the eyes of men) in 5 years. 

He said that they were living out less than 10% of Christianity as compared to the early church.

We are far from John G Lake and even further from the early church.

What did John G Lake know about Jesus that we don’t? Or rather, what did the early church know about Jesus that we don’t?

I always wonder how it was like to live during Jesus’ days.

Thursday 8 November 2018

Dollars & Scent

I was with my son at Dollars & Scent to find out a tester set.

God spoke and I asked, “Your left shoulder has a problem?” The male assistant said, “I’m okay.”

There is grace, so I insisted, “Your left shoulder has a problem.” He relented and said, “Yes. An old injury.”

Ministered to him and God spoke, so I said, “You have a tattoo and it’s a dragon.” (He was wearing long sleeves and long pants)

He was stunned and nodded. I added, “You got the tattoo at the age of 18.” He said, “Yes.” I said, “You got it because you don’t see your father leading in the family and that’s not what you wanted to see. You want to lead rightly. And that’s what God has put in you. The nature of leadership.”

His eyes were watery and he said, “How come you know so many things? You are scaring me.”

I shared Jesus with him. He responded, “I used to be a Christian.” I told him that Jesus loves him and He’s the One who knows him personally.

His manager was around looking at him, so we left the conversation as it was, as he needed to attend to the next customer. I believe he is on his way back to the Father who loves him unconditionally.

It is better to give someone Jesus than to preach Jesus.

What happens if we have 3000 Singaporeans walking in this lifestyle of Power and Love daily, throughout their daily lives —- whether it’s in the marketplace, cafe, restaurants, supermarkets, malls, streets, coffee shops, trains, buses, Grab cars, during telemarketing on the phone, toilets, etc everywhere we go.

Sign up for School of Power and Love now! #powerandloveSG

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Gifts & Fruit

Gifts & Fruit

Gifts can be cultivated, but fruit has to be yielded. You don't need fruit to cultivate gifts. Neither do you need gifts to yield and produce fruit. They are independent of each other.

A person who has cultivated strong gifts does not mean she/he has good fruit, nor is she/he mature. But a person who has fruit is one who is mature.

Many years ago, I had a Senior Pastor whom I worked under, who was able to move in gifts but he was manipulative.

"Gifts are free, but maturity is expensive." - Bill Johnson 

The reason why fruit is expensive is because we have to surrender to the King in order to grow it. That requires putting ourselves under His Lordship.

This is why a normal believer can be more mature than a minister in the four-fold (or five-fold) ministerial office. Just because someone has a position does not mean that she/he is in close relational position with Christ. Just because someone is a CEO does not mean that he has good character. Because the four-fold ministry is a gift, not fruit.

Let's rise up and walk in our identity ----- believers of Christ! #powerandlove

Sunday 4 November 2018

Post Halloween Party Among Residents

When I first moved into an EC, I thought of ministering to the residents at one shot in the Function Room, but under the regulations for the usage of the Room, it is not allowed.

Tonight, the residents organised a post Halloween party. Hence, we decided to join them as a family. I requested to set up a booth to do spiritual reading, healing, etc. And the committee agreed!

Healings, Word of knowledge, prophecies, etc. One gave her life to the Lord and another re-dedicated his life to Jesus! My desire for reaching the residents at one shot in my own EC has come to pass.

You and I can reach our neighbours and our own community right where we are.

And by His Grace, I actually won the best costume award. I guess everybody likes SpiderMan. Lol. #xperiential #halloween #residents #home #powerandlove2018