Wednesday 4 April 2018

Healing By Accident

Met up with a friend last night to share on property wealth creation as he requested to find out more.

Apparently, he was down with a flu. During our conversation, he was healed without realising until he got home.

I didn’t pray for him. Neither did I think about it. This is healing by accident because you simply carry His presence wherever you go. What overflows in you will overflow through you.

On side note, we should not tolerate sore throat or flu. Often, we are so used to it that we tolerate it. Because we think it is common. No, it is not. It took Jesus so many stripes to remove flu. 

What you tolerate will be allowed to stay. This is why we seldom see instant flu healing. Jesus paid for flu all the way to terminal diseases. We need to accept His payment and receive it. Jesus!

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