Sunday 29 April 2018

Gift & Reward

Gift = what you do not deserve
Reward = what you deserve

God says, “I am your reward.” —— it means God doesn’t just give you a gift; He gave HIMSELF as THE Gift.

What does that mean?

He rewarded us by working on our behalf through Christ to give us what we do not deserve.

Sunday 8 April 2018

No Fear In Love

No Fear In Love

I was taking sips of nice cuppa (from Bettr Barista) when I suddenly heard the voice, “There is no fear in Love.”

I know this verse pretty well but the interpretation for this voice came so suddenly that it brought a new dimension.

When we minister healing, there are times when you face contagious disease. The Bible says that “Fear has to do with torment/punishment...” So if we fear, we open the door for the contagious disease to hit us. But if we truly love, the door is sealed tightly.

There is NO fear in LOVE. In other words, if we minister out of Love, no sickness can touch us. No contagious disease can touch us. Contagious viruses and diseases have to bow down to Love.

The next time when you see someone having contagious viruses or diseases, love him/her. For there is no fear in Love.

Note: I told you coffee comes straight from heaven. Even sipping releases revelation.

Saturday 7 April 2018

Raising The Dead Is Easy

Heal the sick, raise the dead... cast out demons. - Matt 10:8

Heal the sick includes healing a muscle ache.
Raise the dead means raise the dead.

In other words, raising the dead is as EASY as healing a muscle ache.

Why are we not seeing the results? Un-renewed mind.

Help us to see. Jesus!

Thursday 5 April 2018

A New Level Of Boldness Part 2

Proverbs 28:1 says, "The righteous are as bold as a lion."

Since Christ is the Lion of Judah and He is the Righteousness of God, we too, can have the SAME BOLDNESS as He had on earth.

1) We are now the righteousness of God

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might BECOME the righteousness of God in Him. - 2 Cor 5:21 (emphasis added)

2) As Christ is, so are we

Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD.  - 1 John 4:17 (emphasis added)

Love has been perfected by the Cross. But to the degree we have the revelation of that Love, to that degree we can walk in boldness. (As mentioned in Part 1)

The righteous are as bold as a lion, because we always have right standing before the Father, regardless of what we do. When we realise that we have unconditional and free access to the throne (because of the blood of Christ), boldness will ARISE because there is nothing we can do to shut heaven's door. Consequence doesn't stop God from loving us. Consequence doesn't remove us from the right standing. Consequence merely stops us from trying to walk on water again. But if we understand that righteousness and love DO NOT change, our response won't change.

My son knows full well that my wife and I love him, because we always re-iterate that we love him despite of his behaviours. After every discipline, I ensure that we hug each other --- in this way, he grows in realisation that he has access to me anytime, regardless of his actions and behaviours. He is not afraid of making mistakes over and over again (this will be left to another post).

With Right Standing & Unconditional Love, we can be as BOLD as the Lion of Judah.

Jesus lived His life boldly without fear. As a child, He needed to learn what we are still learning. Every journey He took required Him to walk on water. When He turned water into wine, it was His first time. When He walked on water, it was probably His first time. When He went to the Cross, it was His first time and He had to believe that the Father would raise Him up.

Jesus didn't live by seasons. He lived by reason. Love was His only reason and motivation to walk through all human seasons on earth. Because His eyes were set on the Father's Love, He walked in complete boldness.

People who stay in the boat (comfort zone) usually love to talk about seasons. I have spoken to some who always said that their season in ministry or work is not up yet. But when I probed deeper, there is often a deeper issue: Fear of the unknown; fear of losing stable income; fear of not being ready to do something that is different, etc. So they come up with reasons to stay in that season, by simply saying the season is not up.

Jesus is not the reason for this season. He is the only Reason for every season. If we live our lives by seasons, we will always ride the roller coaster.

But if we live our lives regardless of seasons, we will experience the Constant Reason - He is the SAME yesterday, today and forever. And since He is always the SAME, we can have boldness to walk on water regardless of seasons.

We can be as bold as a lion because Christ within us is greater than the world without. I believe a new level of boldness is arising.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Healing By Accident

Met up with a friend last night to share on property wealth creation as he requested to find out more.

Apparently, he was down with a flu. During our conversation, he was healed without realising until he got home.

I didn’t pray for him. Neither did I think about it. This is healing by accident because you simply carry His presence wherever you go. What overflows in you will overflow through you.

On side note, we should not tolerate sore throat or flu. Often, we are so used to it that we tolerate it. Because we think it is common. No, it is not. It took Jesus so many stripes to remove flu. 

What you tolerate will be allowed to stay. This is why we seldom see instant flu healing. Jesus paid for flu all the way to terminal diseases. We need to accept His payment and receive it. Jesus!

A New Level Of Boldness - Part 1

The opposite of fear is not faith. If it is, the Bible would not have these verses:

"Fear not, I AM." (Isa 41:10; Matt 14:27; Jn 6:20)

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of LOVE and of a sound mind." (2 Tim 1:7 emphasis added)

"There is no fear in love; but perfect LOVE casts out fear." (1 Jn 4:18 emphasis added)

God is LOVE (1 Jn 4:8). So "Fear not, I AM" refers to "Fear not, I AM LOVE."

The opposite of fear is not faith. It is LOVE. Only LOVE casts out, expels and drives out every fear. It is knowing that you are loved unconditionally and 'regardlessly', that you have no fear on the consequences which involve torment, punishment and shame.

Before I left full-time church ministry, someone asked me, "What are you going to do? You have a family and there is responsibility." He was referring to a stable income and finances for my family.

I must admit that the first few months were difficult. Especially when your bank account balance reached zero. I have heard many people telling me, "I don't have much money." But in reality, they still have a lump sum. For some, they have set aside a saving account. To touch that account is a NO-NO. So when they say that they don't have money, they EXCLUDE that saving account. I don't know why we Singaporeans behave and think that way. It is a traditional Asian lie that must be crushed, so that our security does not lie in finances, but in Christ alone. For most Singaporean men (I can't speak for all, but I have seen way too many), their security lies in bank account balance, even if Christ is present in their lives.

It was when my bank account reached zero that I grew in revelations of the True Provider who is also my Lovely Father. Knowing in the head and knowing in the heart are two very separate thingy. It was HIS LOVE that blew my fears away. It wasn't my faith.

There was a new level of boldness rising in my spirit as I grew in deeper revelation of His love for me. It spurred me on to make further decisions that would seem humanly ridiculous.

When the storm comes, some shrink back and stay in the comfortable boat; some stop walking on water and begin sinking; some want to quickly return to the boat.

But the best response is to WALK ON WATER. And keep walking. Why? Because the storm has NOTHING TO DO with you walking on water. They are completely two separate elements.

The Greatest Love is calling you to walk on water TOWARDS HIM. If you set your eyes on Him, you will be empowered by His love. You will grow in deeper revelations of His love. And your only response will be BOLDNESS.

When you have nothing to start with, you have nothing to lose. It's when you begin to hoard that you start living in fear.

Love is saying, "Leave the boat that you have lived in - one that is full of security, comfort, financial stability, peace, plenty of accumulated treasures, etc. And don't look back. When storm comes, and especially when storm comes, keep walking on water." #newboldness