Thursday 29 March 2018

School of Power and Love

In a few days, various people were healed and heard about Jesus. This is about living a kingdom lifestyle.

- Belt shop cashier
- Defect check staff
- Developer’s staff
- 3 security guards
- 2 Guardian pharmacy staff
- Starhub customer service officer
- Barista
- 3 Carousell buyers

For the past few years, we have seen many saved, thousand of people healed and ministered to in almost every place and situation in Singapore, whether it’s toilet, pavement, roadside, bus stop, bus, MRT, MRT platform, Grab, Uber, Taxi, hotel, airport, airplane, cafe, coffeeshop, restaurant, lift, shopping mall, outside the mall, supermarket, ATM, bank, immigration queue, in the queue, while making payment, pharmacy, staircase, retail shop, waiting at traffic junction, hospital, pubs, and a whole lot of other places, etc.

You don’t need to have an outreach event or outreach programme. You are the outreach 24/7 everywhere you go. You are completely unstoppable. It’s a lifestyle you live in, not a style you do.

And this is for every single believer. For ‘revival’ or awakening to take place in Singapore, it takes everyday, normal believers like you and me to know who we are and walk in our identity as sons and daughters.

I am just a husband of one wife and a father of a 5-year old boy living a normal life. Not any kind of spiritual giant or any prominent figure. The simplicity of my life is this... I like to eat potato chips and drink coffee. If I, such a normal guy can do it, so can everyone of you. 

Stop looking to the man at the pulpit. Start looking to the Man who died for you and lives through you.

Excited to have School of Power and Love in Singapore. I believe the masses will benefit greatly. It’s to train you to live out your identity and look to Christ in you, the Hope of glory, so that Christ through you is the Manifestation of glory.

Pray with us for this to take place.

#lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #daily #nonstop #twentyfourseven #powerandlove2018

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