Tuesday 31 October 2017

Free From Two Surgeries

Was requested to minister to a friend’s dad who is 80 over years old.

He had two surgeries due on the week that I ministered to him:
1) Hip surgery
2) Kidney surgery

He went back to the doctors and both of them discharged him. He didn’t need both surgeries. Praise Jesus!

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Discerning Truth

Romans 12:2 - ...be transformed by the renewing of your mind...

Romans 8:16 - The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit...

Our spirit is renewed when we are born again (Gal 4:6). But our mind requires renewal. In other words, we already have a knowing within us (1 Cor 2:10-12). But our head doesn't get it.

Our spirit is much faster than our head. We need to get our heart knowledge to our head, instead of the other way. That's why it's called mind renewal and not heart renewal.

You can be believing in a half-truth for a long time and when someone speaks truth, suddenly the spirit within you bears witness and you know and you know and you know that it is truth. That's when you align your mind to that truth. The half-truth and lies you once believed in start to fall off. A born-again believer will naturally accept spiritual truth because it is the spirit (anointing) teaching and confirming it (1 Jn 2:27).

The reason why a believer can reject truth is because he has believed in lies for too long (often from the pulpit) and while the spirit within him is bearing witness to the truth, his head blocks it out. The bible calls it "the carnal mind" because it is the realm where strongholds, arguments and prideful thoughts come against the true knowledge of God (2 Cor 10:4-5). The only way to overcome that is to walk in the Spirit (Gal 5:16; Rom 8:6).

The result of walking in the Spirit is life and peace (Rom 8:6). When what you hear from the pulpit or others releases life and peace from within you, you can be certain that it is truth, as long as it doesn't contradict with the Scriptures.

This is why Peter, without the New Covenant Scriptures, could say to Jesus, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." (Jn 6:68)

For Jesus Himself said in John 6:63 - "The words that I speak to you are SPIRIT, and they are LIFE."

Discerning truth? Discern life and peace from the spirit that is bearing witness within you.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Frustrating The Enemy

The enemy first comes to attack you in the realm of the carnal mind so that he can steal, kill and destroy.

When the enemy can’t move you inside the realm of the carnal mind, he will try to move you with circumstances on the outside.

But if you refuse to move but simply rest on the same position, you frustrate him terribly.

It’s either you let him frustrate your rest. Or you rest to frustrate him. #truestory #truth

Saturday 14 October 2017

He Does It When We Do Nothing

A friend had pain on his knee for several days. It was still quite painful today. He thought of asking me to minister to him when he was coming to my house. But as he drove into the multi-storey car park beside my house, he suddenly felt heat on his knee. When he got out of his car, the pain left completely!

Love it when the loving Father simply did everything without us doing anything. Jesus!

Sunday 8 October 2017

Without His Stripes, The Universe Breaks Apart

Without His Stripes, The Universe Breaks Apart

Righteousness before Christ died on the Cross was all on credit.

Abram believed the LORD, and He credited it to him as righteousness. - Gen 15:6

The reason why sins could be covered (not removed though) in the Old Testament was because of the blood sacrifices (Heb 10:1-4).

The reason why sins committed before and during Jesus’ time could be forgiven was because Jesus was going to the Cross (Rom 3:24-26).

Similarly, the reason why all the people in the Bible could be healed before and during Jesus’ time was because Jesus was going to take the stripes.

Until then, all healings were on credit, just as righteousness was on credit.

You use your credit card to purchase stuff. It’s on credit, but you get the stuff first. The actual payment is later.

People were healed on credit. They received first. Jesus would make the actual payment by taking the stripes.

If Jesus were to give up in the Garden of Gethsemane while He was so distressed that His sweat became blood, all those healings would NOT be paid for.

God would become a liar.

But God holds His Word Above His Name (Ps 138:2). His whole nature and character rests upon His Word.

It was His Word that held the whole Universe together.

“...upholding all things by the word of His power...” - Heb 1:3

If Jesus did not take the stripes, God would be a liar and the whole Universe would break apart, because His Word could no longer uphold all things.

This is the reason why we should take healing seriously. God placed His name at stake. He placed the Universe at stake.

It is interesting that we believe Jesus went to the Cross and removed our sins, but we don’t believe He took the stripes and removed our sicknesses.

Because we can’t feel our sins, we live by faith that they are forgiven. But we can feel our sicknesses, so we don’t live by faith.

The reality of His Word must be greater than the reality of our world.

There are people who can’t wait to minister healing. That is good, but it is not the most important thing. Knowing WHY we believe in healing is more important than ministering healing. Because even if you don’t see results sometimes, it won’t change your position on healing. You will never be disappointed nor fall into unbelief. You will hold your ground and not be moved.

By His stripe (singular), we were healed. If we were healed, we are healed and we remain healed. It is past, present and future because God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus!

Friday 6 October 2017

Facing "Persecutions"

The more I go into divine healing and divine health, the more I encountered "persecutions" from believers. Of course, none of them could be compared to the real persecutions that Jesus went through.

This post is to prepare those of you who are believing in divine health and healing.

Even people who are close to you may not understand what you believe. They cannot comprehend what you are standing for.

"You are not being responsible to your family..."

"You are being prideful..."

"If it is true, why are people of great faith still dying and sick?"

"Sometimes, it doesn't happen. So please, don't take the risk."

"Don't be stubborn..."

"God also gives doctors..."

"God also wants us to practise wisdom..."

There are alot more but I'm just listing some of them. If we are not careful, these words, especially if they come from our close ones, may affect us.

The reality of the Word has to be greater than the reality of the world. What we see in the Word must be more real than what we face in the world.

We put our faith in God's faithfulness.
We put our trust in His trustworthiness.

God is the Truth and He never lies. So we need to stand on His ground.

Our circumstances can change, but He and His Word never changes. So if we stand on His Word and refuse to move, we will see His Word changing our circumstances.

We are not called to live by feelings, manifestations, sight and/or circumstances and symptoms. We are called to live by faith. And faith is simply trusting in Him for who He is and what He said.

We are either moved by our circumstances or we are moved by His Word.

If we are moved by our circumstances, our circumstances will not change.
But if we are moved by His Word, His Word will change our circumstances.

You Are Both Saved AND Healed

Salvation cannot be separated into spirit, soul and body. We are either saved and healed, or not saved nor healed. Jesus either bore our sins and sicknesses, or He didn't bear our sins and sicknesses. It is not either sins or sicknesses. It is both. We can't choose one without the other.

Surely He has borne our griefs ('choliy') and carried our sorrows ('mak'ob') ; - Isa 53:4 (Hebrew added)

'choliy' literally means 'sicknesses' and 'mak'ob' literally means 'pain'. The true Hebrew interpretation for Isaiah 53:4 should be... Jesus bore our sicknesses and carried our pain. 

Check out Matthew 8:16-17

And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: “He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.”

If two witnesses are not enough, let me throw a third one.

1 Peter 2:24 - who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.

The last part of this verse is not talking about spiritual healing. First of all, there is no such thing as spiritual healing. Our dead spirit is made alive in Him, not healed. Secondly, our sins were not paid for by the stripes of Jesus. Our sins were paid for by His blood sacrifice on the Cross. But our healing was paid for by His stripes. Do not confuse between the two events.

In both the Hebrew and Greek, the word 'stripes' in Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24 is not in plural. It is the singular word 'stripe'. Why? According to the Hebrew understanding, if there is one inch between the stripes on the flesh, it will be recorded as plural 'stripes'.

Jesus took so many stripes that there was NOT EVEN one inch of His flesh left. All His bones were exposed (Ps 22:17). He was marred beyond recognition (Isa 52:14). The movie "The Passion of Christ" has misrepresented what Jesus went through. It was radically MUCH MORE! Neither was Jesus whipped 39 times, because He was whipped by Romans, not Jews.

BY HIS STRIPE (not one inch of flesh left in His body), we ARE HEALED.

Surely He has borne ('nasa') our sicknesses and carried ('cabal') our pain... And by His stripes we are healed. - Isa 53:4-5 (Hebrew and original meaning added)

The words used for bearing our sicknesses and carrying our pain are 'nasa' and 'cabal' respectively.

These are the same root word used for carrying our iniquities and bearing our sins.

For He shall bear ('cabal') their iniquities. - Isa 53:11 (Hebrew added)

And He bore ('nasa') the sin of many, - Isaiah 53:12 (Hebrew added)

Jesus bore (‘nasa’) our sins AND our sicknesses. Jesus carried (‘cabal’) our iniquities AND our pain. He did both - forgiveness and healing (Ps 103:3). You can't pick and choose which one He did for you. It's BOTH. That's why it's called Redemption.

The first compound name God revealed to His people is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals (Exo 15:26). The incident was in Exo 15.

Now when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter. Therefore the name of it was called Marah. And the people complained against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” So he cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a TREE. When he cast IT into the waters, the waters WERE MADE SWEET. - Exo 15:23-25 (emphasis added)

The TREE pointed to where Jesus was hung on the Cross (1 Peter 2:24). It turned bitter into sweet, because the Cross reversed the curse of sin (resulting in sicknesses), which speaks of Redemption.

When we are redeemed, we are also saved AND healed. Jesus settled it. So receive it. #truth #salvation #healed

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Put Our Trust In The Lord

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. - Psalm 20:7

The Scriptures tell us to trust NO ONE, except the name of the Lord. Yet it also tells us to be trustworthy (Luke 16:10; Titus 2:7).

In other words, while we ourselves seek to be trustworthy, we are to put our trust only in Jesus.

I honour doctors. I think it's a great profession, except for those who put money above saving lives. I thank God for them who have, in many cases, saved many lives. But you either put your trust in the Lord or you put your trust in doctors. It is a very thin line. Whoever you choose to put your trust in will determine the trustworthiness of the report. For me, doctor Jesus always has the most accurate report.

I don't put my trust in doctors. Because I know they are imperfect and they may fail to give an accurate report. They can only do the best they know how with the limited knowledge they have. Not only that, they will always prepare you for the worst possible scenario to protect their reputation... I mean... to prepare you. A very small handful will actually be positive to give you hope.

My wife knows that I don't listen to doctors. Sometimes, she gets a little frustrated. And I can fully understand. Because she is such a loving wife and mother who cares. But I have to walk divine health out. It is too late to stop me. Because I have given myself to divine healing. There are still alot more that I haven't seen. But I have seen enough. It is way too late to convince me otherwise.

In 2007, I was unable to get up from bed. I tried again and again, but fell flat on the floor, with no ability whatsoever to get up. I was sent to A&E where the doctor only gave me pills to relax the muscle as he suspected it's a muscle pull.

I was then sent to the orthopedics department for specialist treatment. The orthopedist diagnosed it as a pull in the tendon. So he gave me painkillers and sent me to the physiotherapist.

The physiotherapist did a few sessions with me but to no avail.

As none of these worked for me, I went to a popular chiropractor in Singapore that cost me a bomb for every treatment. The chiropractor said, "Because you always put your wallet on the right side of your back, your tailbone is uneven, causing you to have this problem." He proceeded to adjust my back and tailbone for a couple of sessions. None of it worked and I stopped (letting him earn my money) the treatment.

I went to a few Chinese sinseh. One said that my discs were not fully aligned and proceeded to do karate combo hits on my back. It was excruciating and the outcome was ZERO.

Another sinseh put tons of needles all over my body, saying that it has to do with blood circulation. The pain was so dull and sharp (yes, it's a combination) that I couldn't sleep every night.

I went to a specialist doctor recommended by people. He said, "Oh, it has to do with your shoes, you know... buy a pair of tennis shoes (the sickness resulted in plantar fasciitis) and I'm confident that you will be okay." I went to buy the shoes and the outcome was... my feet became more swollen than ever before.

This was getting really frustrating. None of them could diagnose my problem. So I went to another specialist in the hospital. He decided to do a bone scan and blood test (and NONE of the specialist did that at the beginning???) before suspecting that it is an auto-immune disease.

I was then referred to the rheumatologist who said, "There is no cure at the moment. And I don't know how you got this disease. Because 99% is genetic. Yours belong to that 1% unknown. We will try some strong painkillers and steroids to control the pain and reduce the inflammation in the body.” 


Alright. I took them and the steroids resulted in extreme gastric issue, despite the gastric pills he gave to counter the side effects. Nothing worked.

So I went back and he gave me sulphasalazine... sulphur something like that. The name of the medicine is sophisticated, and I think some doctors may not even know the full effects of such medicine. Again, I'm not putting down the doctors. I'm simply revealing how HUMAN they are and how LIMITED they are. Would we put our trust in the limitless God or the limited human?

The new medicine caused me to be nausea all the time and I felt like a pregnant woman. My urine became orange-ish. Apparently, it would affect the liver. Wah piangz... That's probably a fast way to treat the auto-immune disease. When you have liver damage and die, you are set free from the auto-immune disease.

Joke aside. I went back to the rheumatologist and he said, "Well, you got to be put under biofusion treatment... pretty cheap... only $3000-$4000 per month." Okay... the pretty cheap part is added by me. I was fed-up on the inside. Enough is enough.

I told him that I would not want the treatment. I went back home, searched all the Scriptures I could find on healing and started to meditate day and night.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart...It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones." - Prov 3:5,8

"My son, give attention to my words; For they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh." - Prov 4:20,22

Apparently, there is no side effect in the Word of God, except LIFE, STRENGTH and HEALTH.

I kept meditating regardless of the symptoms in the body, the medical review and reports from the specialist, the inflammation level indicator, etc.

As time went by, the symptoms began to decrease and eventually disappeared. Doctor was surprised when I went back for review. I was asked alot of questions. "What did you do to your body?" "What did you eat?" "O, you can bend your body and touch the feet with your hands?"

When I said that I didn't eat but fasted and prayed to Jesus, she asked, "How long did you fast?" I said, "21 days." She said, "21 days without food?" I said, "Yes." She said, "This is very bad for your health! You can't do that."

I did not reply further. Because the carnal mind is always hostile against God. Most doctors operate from the carnal mind. There is no need for argument, because we are on a different frequency. We don't have to argue a point to put forth a truth. We let our lives present the truth.

By the way, the doctors will never acknowledge that you are healed from an incurable disease. We have to face the reality of medical science. At most, they only say in the report, "There is no trace of so and so..."

But we know full well who is the Healer. It's the name of the Lord - Jehovah Rapha. We know who has the most accurate report - "By His stripes, we are healed."

The next time you receive a medical report from doctor, you start thanking Jesus, "Thank You that You have a better report. I'm putting my trust in You and You alone."

My son had high fever (highest at 40.7 degrees) for three days. It kept flunctuating between 39 and 40. We kept ministering healing. After two days, my wife said, "We need to bring him to the doctor." So we went. Doctor said, "Suspected it is HFMD because of two big ulcers near the throat." Though the two ulcers were really big, we knew God already removed the pain because he was still eating well for that three days without a single complain about any pain. On the fourth day, every symptom was gone. He was healed. We went back to the doctor for review. (Apparently, for HFMD, you need to go back to be certified before you can go to school.) The doctor said, "While there is no symptom, it is better to keep him home for two more days." I asked the doctor, "So you can't confirm whether it is HFMD or not, correct?" He replied, "At this point, we can't confirm yet."

While we know that God has restored his health, we need to know that doctor cannot be on the same page as us. The former is about heavenly science while the latter is about medical science. This further reveals that we are indeed in this world but not of this world.

My son, in the past four days, asked me twice, "Papa, why is it that Mama and I are always sick but you are never sick?" In his impression, he has not seen me sick. 

Imagine your 4-year old son asking you this question, "Papa, why are you never sick?" This is the kind of question you want your child to ask you because it's not about what you say. It is your life that reveals something different from him and he wants to find out the secret.

It is the question that you can only answer with the name of Jesus.

His question drove me to my knees for worship. I started to thank the Father for keeping me healthy under the New Covenant. I started to thank Him for His love and boast in His goodness.

The truth is... he doesn't know how sick I was before he was born in this world... when I was down with the auto-immune disease. It was the reality of the sickness that drove me to the revelation of divine healing and divine health.

I answered him, "Because of Jesus. Because Papa stays in the presence of Jesus."

He replied, "I also want to do that with you."

It was a precious conversation. I am not perfect yet, but perfect in progress. I desire my life to represent Him so that my son will keep asking questions because of the fruit of my life, instead of the fruit of my lips.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. - Psalm 20:7

Let’s put our trust in Doctor Jesus!

Disclaimer: I'm NOT asking anyone, at any time, not to go to doctors. God gave doctors to help the fallen world. They are just not as perfect as God. Go to doctors, but put your trust in the Lord. Don't let what doctors say convince you more than what God says. Put our TRUST in Jesus alone.

Sunday 1 October 2017

Never Gets Sick

For the second time, my son asked, “Papa, why Mama and I always get sick but you never get sick?”

He asked two days ago when I was releasing healing for his fever.

Papa: Jesus is good. Papa stays in His presence.
J: I want to do that with you.
Papa: Sure.
J: Mama never do that. That’s why she always gets sick.

😂😂😂😂😂Things little kids say...

Putting this aside... the truth is, believers can walk in divine health. We don’t have to be sick, not even flu or cold.

Curry Blake has never been sick since the birth of his second daughter.

Dan Mohler has never been sick for 10 over years.

Andrew Wommack has never been sick for 38 years.

Kenneth Hagin died without sickness.

I believe in divine health. Jesus!