Tuesday 5 April 2016

Weekly Outreach At Orchard

Today, I decided to head to Orchard for street outreach as I had to leave earlier.

Not many required healing. A few rejected when I approached them.

A Lutheran youth wasn't open for prayer. As I persisted, he allowed me to pray twice. He received partial healing for his fractured wrist.

A China man doing foot reflexology for others received complete healing for his 2 years of lower back problem. As his right leg grew out and his pain left him, he asked, "What type of skills did you apply?"

I said, "In the name of Jesus."

He asked, "How do you apply it for the pain in my gum? It's swollen now."

I said, "Same. Jesus!" And he received healing for his gum.

The Indian lady boss sitting at the right side gave me a sachet of her new Korean coffee. Jesus knows I love coffee. Come on!

Prayed for her business to prosper so that I have more coffee... Just joking.

We can apply Jesus for every problem. Yay God!

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