Tuesday 19 April 2016

Faith - The Currency of Heaven

"Faith is the currency of heaven."

Everything in heaven is appropriated on earth by grace through faith. Faith is the means. Grace is the source. If we miss the source, we won't have the means. Because faith is always a by-product of grace. Don't put faith in your faith. Put faith in the God who has faith in you. Put faith in the goodness and love of God.

Every healing in the Gospel took place either because of Jesus' faith or the faith of the recipient. In our present context, healing takes place either because of the faith of the one ministering healing or the faith of the one receiving healing (yes, even non-Christians can have faith - disciples of Jesus, centurion, etc.).

Our Father is so amazing that as long as there is faith in any equation, the "currency" will flow onto earth. When we focus on such a loving Father we have, faith becomes a by-product. Faith becomes a rest.

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