Thursday 28 April 2016

Where Do We Focus On?

Jesus said that every believer shall lay hand on the sick and they shall recover.

If we focus on the result, we will not lay hand on anyone. But if we focus on laying hand, we will see the result.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Joy Of Heaven

This is quite interesting. So I thought of recording here.

"Last night", which is this morning at about 5am, J was running a high fever. We prayed for him. After a while, he started laughing non-stop. It went on for quite some time. This morning at 9plus am, his fever was completely gone! It has been more than 12 hours and he remains well. So good Jesus!

A cheerful heart is good medicine. No wonder joy was released from heaven.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Faith - The Currency of Heaven

"Faith is the currency of heaven."

Everything in heaven is appropriated on earth by grace through faith. Faith is the means. Grace is the source. If we miss the source, we won't have the means. Because faith is always a by-product of grace. Don't put faith in your faith. Put faith in the God who has faith in you. Put faith in the goodness and love of God.

Every healing in the Gospel took place either because of Jesus' faith or the faith of the recipient. In our present context, healing takes place either because of the faith of the one ministering healing or the faith of the one receiving healing (yes, even non-Christians can have faith - disciples of Jesus, centurion, etc.).

Our Father is so amazing that as long as there is faith in any equation, the "currency" will flow onto earth. When we focus on such a loving Father we have, faith becomes a by-product. Faith becomes a rest.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

More & More Healings - Time To Stop Recording Every Healing

Combo hit doesn't happen all the time for me but when it does, I know that Jesus is pouring out so much love on the person.

Took a cab from Buangkok to pick my son in Sengkang as I was running late. Holy Spirit said "there's pain at the back of the neck for the driver." Before I asked the driver, Holy Spirit said, "His left knee has an issue too." I asked the driver, "Do you have pain at the back of your neck?" He responded, "How did you know?" I added, "And you also have pain at your left knee." He exclaimed, "How did you know?!"

I love word of knowledge. It opens door for the Gospel almost immediately. He's a free thinker but I thank Jesus that this conversation and encounter will shift his mindset. Jesus healed his neck and he will test out his left knee when he climbs the stairs.

There are times when people are not receptive even when you give a word of knowledge. When you ask them, they would say, "I'm alright" even when they have the pain. Sometimes, they deny because they are fearful. At other times, the god of this world has blinded them (2 Cor 4:4). No matter what, we have no rights to force people to receive what they don't want to receive. We just keep releasing the kingdom and sowing the seed. #lifestylechristianity101

Some healings took place for the past week. Today, a couple of healings took place apart from the above incident.

1) A Burmese guy received partial healing for his fractured wrist. He was unable to turn his wrist before prayer. After that, he could move freely.

2) An uncle at IMH with arthritis received partial healing for his right knee as I ministered together with a good friend.

3) Had a WOK for one Indian lady who was with her friend (also Indian) - back problem. She was wearing a wrist bandage. She shared that she had backache and other ache all over her body. She also suffered plantar fasciitis and she would have severe pain in the morning when she wakes up. Ministered healing for her wrist and plantar fasciitis. She could only test out the latter in the morning. For her wrist, she had no pain as she took out her bandage.

Her Indian friend looked very skeptical. So I decided to get her to pray for the one whom I had WOK for - back ache and ache all over her body. I asked her to lay her hand on the back and taught her how to command the pain to leave. Apparently, she is a Catholic.

The lady, who was being ministered to, exclaimed, "I could feel the heat when she laid her hand on my back!" After prayer, she was filled with joy - "All the ache is gone!"

4) Another WOK for a second driver's lower back. Didn't manage to pray for him though as he wasn't open.

More and more healings are happening at different times and at different locations. Over the past few years, I have seen probably a thousand over individual healings out there in the streets.

It has now reached the point that I felt I should stop recording every healing testimony. It would take a lot of time to record every healing. I want to steward my time better. Will only record if prompted to do so.


Tuesday 5 April 2016

Weekly Outreach At Orchard

Today, I decided to head to Orchard for street outreach as I had to leave earlier.

Not many required healing. A few rejected when I approached them.

A Lutheran youth wasn't open for prayer. As I persisted, he allowed me to pray twice. He received partial healing for his fractured wrist.

A China man doing foot reflexology for others received complete healing for his 2 years of lower back problem. As his right leg grew out and his pain left him, he asked, "What type of skills did you apply?"

I said, "In the name of Jesus."

He asked, "How do you apply it for the pain in my gum? It's swollen now."

I said, "Same. Jesus!" And he received healing for his gum.

The Indian lady boss sitting at the right side gave me a sachet of her new Korean coffee. Jesus knows I love coffee. Come on!

Prayed for her business to prosper so that I have more coffee... Just joking.

We can apply Jesus for every problem. Yay God!