Sunday 27 March 2016

Easter 2016: Resurrection Sunday

10 years ago on Easter 2006, I received Jesus into my life. It was a pretty long search before He found me. That was and is the greatest decision I can ever make in my life. I'm still very thankful to those who, in one way or another, have faithfully obeyed Christ and reached out to me. It was a series of power encounters that finally led to my personal relationship with Jesus. I didn't come to Christ because of human intellect and reasoning. As far as I know about the Jesus in the Gospel, He never led someone to God by mere human intellect or reasoning. If someone can come to Christ by reasoning, then he can easily depart from his faith by reasoning. Christ always demonstrated POWER and LOVE. All His works involved miraculous powers, signs and wonders as He carried the message of unconditional love.

Resurrection Sunday is a beautiful time to celebrate, remember and be grateful for what Christ has done for us on the Cross. It is right that we proclaim His goodness and resurrection power. But as believers, we can do it every single day. Resurrection Sunday now carries a significant purpose for those who have yet to know Him. It is thus an opportune time for us to proclaim His power and love to them.

The 21st century's way is to invite people to church and hear the message of Easter and Resurrection. This is important. Many came to know Christ as a result of this approach.

Yet the 1st century's way has sometimes been overlooked. They proclaimed Jesus and His resurrection power outside the church, with the demonstration of great miracles, signs and wonders. Apostle Peter, in one miracle and proclamation, brought 5000 souls into the kingdom. This is powerful because there will always be people who will never step into a church when invited, at least for a period of time.

I haven't been a Christian for long. I haven't attended all the churches in Singapore. But I realized one thing - the more powerless a church walks in, the more contemporary instruments and facilities they need to use to attract visitors and re-package the Gospel. But the more powerful a church walks, the less they need to re-package the Gospel. Because the Gospel in itself is relevant enough to reach every single soul.

This week, as Resurrection Sunday drew near, I thought it was an opportune time to demonstrate the Resurrection power and love of Christ and proclaim the Gospel message in the streets. So I went out and started sharing fervently.

Yes, many rejected my message. But that won't stop me because I know WHO is with me. Some healings broke out effortlessly because they simply confirmed the message that I brought to them.

1) An Indian student who fractured her thumb was healed to the pain level of 1.

2) An uncle received a word of knowledge for his right knee. He injured it since young due to taekwondo. After receiving healing,  he said, "This is better than medication!" He's also a believer but he stops attending church for a long time.

3) An Indian guy was wearing a support around his hamstring. He injured while involving in track and field. He said that doctor had advised that he would recover in 2 weeks' time. I told him, "How about right now?" He walked away pain free! Jesus!

4) A Malaysian lady came to Singapore for surgery as she fractured her elbow. She was concerned about her nerve as doctor advised her to go for another surgery or she may suffer a nerve damage. All numbness left after prayer.

5) A man received a word of knowledge for his left shoulder. All pain left. His mum attends Lighthouse Evangelism Church. He goes once in a while though he's not yet a believer.

6) My wife sprained her back. She could hardly bend. Prayed for her and she woke up the next morning completely healed and she went ahead with sports and jogging. Come on Jesus!

7) Walked past two security guards and had a word of knowledge for one of them. He dislocated his shoulder while carrying heavy stuff. Doctor had scheduled him to go for a surgery. Prayed twice and he was completely healed! Jesus! He asked me to pray for his diabetes. (Man in the photo)

The next security guy who stood beside him had pain on both his shoulders for many years. He could only lift up his left arm halfway. He said that his pain level was 10. After prayer, he lifted fully and said, "No more pain." I asked him, "You don't lie to me man." (I'm the one doubting) He said, "I'm not lying!" Come on Jesus!

I said, "Today is Easter. But it's not just happy Easter though. It's Resurrection Sunday. Jesus came to die for us and God raised Him from the dead by His power. This is the same resurrection power that healed you man. I received Him into my life and this thing is flowing through me. It can flow through you too."

Resurrection Sunday is not just proclaiming that Christ died for our sins, but that Christ died for the world's sins.

I believe in Resurrection of Jesus. Therefore, I must proclaim and walk in His Resurrection power and love.

I'm still far from perfect as I see how Todd White represents Christ so accurately. He is my earthly role model. There is always MORE to know about my Saviour and my Lord. He loves me and He loves the world around me. #letusproclaimHispowerandlove #resurrectionpower

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