Saturday 6 May 2023

The Misunderstood Impartation

The Misunderstood Impartation

There are a number of passages in the Word that have been interpreted by the charismatics as impartation.

Well, a word without a context always becomes a pretext for a proof text. Inductive study is more important than deductive study.

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands... - 2 Tim 1:6

This passage has been read as Paul imparting a spiritual gift to Timothy, and thus, it has been used in meetings where impartation of gifts is eagerly desired by the believers.

If we continue reading, we might see some light to the passage.

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a Spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. - 2 Tim 1:6-7

If we read this passage at one go, the gift of God might be referring to the Person of the Holy Spirit (baptism of the Spirit). For Paul added, "Because (for) God gave you the Holy Spirit of power, love and self-control." Nowhere talks about a special spiritual gift apart from the very gift of the Holy Spirit.

Laying on of hands serves three purposes in the New Covenant:
1) Baptism of the Holy Spirit ----- aka the VERY gift of the Person of the Holy Spirit

2) Commissioning into a ministerial office

3) Healing the sick

Next, if we draw the context in the whole counsel of the books of Timothy, we can see additional passages that might help to interpret 2 Tim 1:6.

Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you. - 1 Tim 4:14

As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. - 2 Tim 4:5

1) Prophecy doesn't give you a gift. It confirms and calls out the gift that is already IN you. This is why Paul said 'I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, WHICH IS IN YOU... (2 Tim 1:6)

2) If this gift was confirmed and called out by prophecy during the commissioning of ministry by the elders, then it is likely not the gift of the Person of the Holy Spirit. It could be Christ's ministry gift (Eph 4:8, 4:11)

3) In the first letter to Timothy, Paul ended his letter charging Timothy NOT to neglect this gift. In the final letter to Timothy before Paul's departure, Paul started the letter reminding Timothy to 'fan into flame the gift of God'. And again, Paul ended his letter charging Timothy to 'do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry'.

Throughout both letters, Paul told Timothy not to let anyone despise his youth, to endure suffering as Timothy preaches, and not to be ashamed of the Gospel.

Right after 2 Tim 1:6-7 on the so-called misunderstood 'impartation' passage, Paul said in 2 Tim 1:8, "Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord... but share in suffering for the Gospel by the power of God."

This is the reason that Paul told Timothy that God has given him the Spirit not of fear, but of power, love and self-control.

Therefore, 2 Tim 1:6 is Paul charging Timothy the same theme over and over again through the letters written to him ----- fan into flame the ministerial gift of an evangelist, prophesied and commissioned by elders and Paul, to keep preaching the Gospel and fulfill his ministry.

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