Saturday 29 October 2022

Kingdom Building

This morning, I'm hearing this...

"If you want men to keep coming back to your church, keep filling their cups. But if you want men to keep going out and be the church, keep teaching them to fill their own cups."

Great pulpit ministry draws the crowd and fills their cups. But they don't learn how to fill their own cups. So they keep coming back. It helps to grow the ministry name too, as well as finances.

But kingdom ministry empowers the crowd so that they fill their own cups. They can leave anytime when they are ready, because they don't need you anymore. They learn to feed themselves; they grow and they can start their own group everywhere to empower others to continue this cycle. This is what the Kingdom should look like.

Perhaps if your ministry always attracts more people to stay than to leave, it's time to re-evaluate if we are building our own kingdom OR His Kingdom.

We don't need a brand name. We need brand new groups.

A good Father always releases. A mature son always steps out and starts a new family.

Thursday 27 October 2022



I was recently asked if the sick requires any faith to be healed, since Jesus sometimes said, "Your faith has made you well."

If you read through the four books of the Gospel and the book of Acts thoroughly, you will discover that healing takes place as long as one party believes: either the minister or the sick.

There is no mystery in this because God's nature is way more consistent than we are. Most of the time, it is ministers/preachers who refuse to take responsibility and push it away when there is a lack of result.

Thank God Jesus isn't like this.

The reason why people see more healings after a message is preached is simple. Romans 10:17. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word. When the minister preaches the message, faith arises in the sick to receive the healing from God through the minister. In this case, faith from the sick appropriates the healing.

You seldom see ministers seeing many healings if they don't first preach the message (unless there is a faith expectation from the crowd because they honour the speaker, especially in missions fields, and expect to receive). But Jesus did. He didn't need to wait to heal after He had preached. Because He always believed. All things are possible for Him who believes.

Our model is Jesus. When the sick comes to you, you don't have time to preach a whole message before you minister healing. We have to be ready in and out of season. This makes our secret place important before we go into the public place. Living ready is more important than preaching powerfully at the pulpit.

So the short answer is the sick doesn't need faith to be healed, if the minister believes for the sick to be healed. But if the minister has unbelief in his heart, then the sick will need faith to appropriate healing from God through the minister who is acting as though he has faith when he's praying for the sick, when he actually has unbelief.

If we see more results in the missions field than in our own hometown, it reveals that we still have much unbelief to get rid of, so that we can see the same results in our hometown.

This is why while we celebrate healing testimonies from all over the world when we hear them, I am always on the specific look-out for someone who sees consistent healings for terminal diseases (without having to first preach a message) in his/her own hometown. I want to grow and therefore, I'm always on the look-out for such a person to dialogue with.

P.S: I explained this in detail in the book 'The Secret To Divine Healing'.

P.P.S: This kills alot of religious sacred cows in the church.