Thursday 25 November 2021

The Word Must Be Fulfilled

The Word Must Be Fulfilled

He sent out His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. - Ps 107:20

Since Jesus is the Word made flesh (Jn 1:14) and the Word cannot return to the Father void but it shall accomplish that which He purposed (Isa 55:11), then Jesus must heal and deliver all. For the Word was sent out to heal and to deliver.

During His earthly ministry, He always healed all and delivered all who came to Him, as part of the fulfillment of God's Word. If He would to heal some and not all, the Word of God would be broken, since Matt 8:16-17 also said that it was to fulfill Isaiah 53:4-5.

In Isaiah 53, Jesus bore the sins of all on the Cross. Yet Isaiah 53:4-5 also tells us that He bore the sicknesses and pain of all (cross reference Matt 8:16-17).

To bear the sins of all means that He has to bear the sicknesses and diseases of all (1 Peter 2:24). If He only heals some, then He has to only save some and not all.

The fulfillment of Isaiah 55:11, therefore, has to be the stripes (body) and the Cross (blood), because Jesus' earthly ministry could not fully accomplish the purpose of the Word sent (He only had 3 and a half years). By His stripes and the Cross, He could thus, forever, fulfill healing and deliverance in every man, saving (sozo-ing) His spirit, soul and body.

In a nutshell, healing is not just a part of God's blessings. It is CENTRAL to the entire Gospel, without which, the Gospel itself will break apart and the whole universe (and the world) will not be able to stand and hold together (Heb 1:3), if the integrity of His Word was compromised.

The Gospel that only delivers the soul from sin, but without healing the body, is heretic in nature. Because it is not the truth of God's Word and the purpose it was sent for.

The Gospel you preach is either the full Gospel or not the Gospel at all. There is no in between.

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