Tuesday 20 April 2021


The word “empower” comes from the Greek word “endunamoo” which consists of “en” and “dynamoo” (where the root word “dunamis” comes from).

“Dunamis” is what you receive when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.

Today, the word “empower” has been used very loosely in the charismatics circle.

To empower someone actually means that we strengthen him. How? Since it is meant to intensify the power (“dunamis”) of the Holy Spirit, to empower a believer is to show him what he ALREADY HAS in the Holy Ghost so that he can be strengthened to walk out that power.

In other words, the more you empower someone, the more he leans on the Holy Spirit, and the lesser he needs you.

This can be pretty scary for those who want to build their own ministry, instead of advancing the Kingdom. It might also mean financial loss for some churches.

True empowerment sets others free from you so that they walk in maturity. If you need others to have their eyes continually on you, you fail to empower them. You are merely spoon feeding them.

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