Monday 22 February 2021

Transformation Begins From Mind Renewal

Transformation Begins From Mind Renewal

It is our job to do the renewing of our mind (Rom 12:2). It is God's job to do the transformation (2 Cor 3:18).

If you don't do the former, God can't do the latter.

I'm not saying that God cannot sovereignly touch a few people supernaturally and transform them. But that is not the normal way. Otherwise, everyone would have to beg God to somehow pick them and touch them to transform them. That would put everyone on an unequal playing field.

Thank God that He has reserved mind renewal for every single believer. That is the normal way. That is the Way of living. Every believer has an equal playing field in the kingdom because of identity and sonship.

As a believer with the Holy Spirit, it is not God's fault when we are not transformed. It is our fault for not getting our mind renewed since He has provided every resource for us to be transformed.

The laziest mindset of a believer is to think that God should be the one to change us and thus, we can remain passive about it. God has done His job by sending Christ to kill our old man and the Holy Spirit to put in us a new Man.

'Work out your salvation' (Phil 2:12-13) requires us to be active and be participating in the renewing of our mind. If we remain as spiritual infants, it has nothing to do with God. It has to do with our refusal to change.

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