Saturday 18 April 2020

The Voice Of God Requires Intimacy For Interpretation

The Voice Of God Requires Intimacy For Interpretation

Then a voice came from heaven, saying, “I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.” Therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it had THUNDERED. Others said, “AN ANGEL has spoken to Him.” - John 12:28-29 (emphasis added)

Jesus heard the Father speaking to Him. So did two other groups of people. Jesus heard the clear words from His Father, while the other two groups heard 'thunder' and 'an angel speaking'.

For the voice of God requires interpretation based on intimacy. This is why out of so many prophecies (including what we hear from God), we can discern what is really from God.

Intimacy is parallel to abiding in Him. For we bear fruit as a by-product of intimacy.

He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. - John 15:5

Jesus further expounded what intimacy means two verses later. It is not those flaky, so-called 'spirit-led' spontaneous living. Intimacy corresponds to abiding in His Word and His love (15:7; 15:9).

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you... - John 15:7

Since the voice of God requires interpretation based on intimacy (abiding in His Word and His love), we can use these two areas to interpret prophecies.

1) The Word of Truth
2) His Love (also found in the Word)

God speaks in many ways (Job 33:14). We can receive the accurate revelations (His voice) but we still need to have accurate interpretation ------ something we are all still growing, for no one is 100% accurate in interpretation yet.

This is why prophets can receive beautiful visions and revelations, but when they release the prophetic interpretation, you know it has gone off the track by judging those two areas: The Word of truth and His Love.

Jesus had absolute intimacy with the Father. He heard His voice and interpreted accurately. The other two groups also heard God's voice, but misinterpreted as 'thunder' and 'an angel's speaking' because they had no intimacy (Word and Love). Of course, they didn’t have the Holy Spirit at that time too.

Taking an extreme example as follows:

***Vision of a man being taken up to heaven***
- Interpretation 1: God spoke: "He is suffering in great pain due to cancer. Let him return to Me in peace. I will take him to be with Me."

- Interpretation 2: God spoke: "Heal the sick and deliver him. He's giving up and wanting to return to Me. But you minister healing to him."

Which one is God really speaking?

If we want to grow in hearing His voice with sharper interpretation of the visions and revelations He gave, we need to abide in His Word and His love.

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