Tuesday 1 October 2019

Continual Breakthroughs With My Own Family

In recent times, I have seen many breakthroughs in healing for my own family. By that, I refer to my wife and my son, who are the closest to me.

For my son, I have seen pretty consistent healing for his flu, fever, cold and cough. Few days ago, he started to cough and had a runny nose. After ministering to him, he was completely healed within a day.

For my wife, healing is not as consistent as my son. But it is getting better. Few days ago, she was suddenly limping after school. There was a swell on her left knee. I ministered to her a couple of times with no result. So I prayed over a tissue and asked her to put it on her knee.

After a while, she stopped limping altogether. The pain and the swell left her. On the next day, she could walk for few hours in the mall! Come on Jesus!

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