Wednesday 23 October 2019

It Is Here

I have been procrastinating for a long time since God first spoke to me to write two books. I thought I could just brush them aside (Being busy is always the good excuse) but He kept reminding me over and over again. I kept postponing because writing a book requires much time and dedication.

Finally, this first book came to pass. It was supernatural because everything just flowed quickly when I began to write.

It has been on my heart to empower as many believers as possible on divine healing, especially in my own country.

I’m zealous to see the Body of Christ rising up as sons and daughters in their identity and walking in healing and health. For too long, every eye has been on the men of God on the pulpit instead of the God of men. Many have been waiting to be prayed for by an anointed preacher, running to the altar queue for healing ministry, attending conferences after conferences hoping to receive supernatural healing or whatever impartation, and the list keeps going on. I think it’s time for us to grow up in maturity.

It is time to behold the Man who died for us instead of the man who stands at the pulpit. 

It is time to know Christ deeper instead of knowing what this or that preacher/pastor says. 

It is time to get into the Word instead of getting into the next sermon, speaker or conference. Our diligence to hear what the Word says must supersede our allegiance to hear what the preacher says.

It is time to get hold of our identity and walk in healing and health and everything that Jesus had paid for.

This book is loaded with Scriptural truths so that you don’t see me as the author, but you will see Christ as the Author & Finisher of your faith journey.

This book will point you to the ministry of the Word instead of the ministry of men.

This book will point you to the God of men instead of the men of God.

This book will put every believer on the same page (and same playing field) and remove the so-called anointed preachers from the scene, so that the only Name you remember is Jesus Christ.

Disclaimer: There is nothing wrong with pulpit ministry and teachers. We just need more to lean on the Master Teacher the Holy Spirit, who teaches us into all things and guides us into all truths. We need more to focus on the Word and be grounded in it instead of being tossed by every wave of doctrine.

Honestly, I didn’t want to put my name at first. I wanted to be faceless (my first edition is without any name). But I thought that I should at least put my initials so that people will buy. For I’m selling to the West. But God spoke to me one day to put my name on the book. Until now, I don’t exactly know why. I just chose to obey.

Almost all books (including Christian books) out there in the market have foreword and endorsement written by renowned public figures. I initially thought of getting a few that I worked with to pen down their endorsement (to boost my sales). 

But I felt convicted to leave the endorsement to God Himself. So this is one book that comes with ZERO human foreword and endorsement on the pages of this book. By His grace, I received good feedback from the West. More importantly, they are empowered.

Warning: This book contains truths that may be offensive to some and challenge what we think we already know. But I encourage us to go back to the Word and let the Word teach us.

As mentioned, my heart is to equip our local believers. Hence, while I’m selling to the West, I’m giving away the digital edition for free to all local Singaporean believers. If you are a local Singaporean, please PM me and I will be more than happy to bless you with it. Otherwise, you can find it on Amazon online (

I want to thank Michael John Mercado Reyes for proofreading and editing my grammar as well as Goh Zhengqin for highlighting an important phrase that I needed to correct. You guys rock! Of course, I want to thank my lovely wife for her support in encouraging me to keep writing.

P.S: One: The intro/book description is written in such a way that it is neutral for the readers (whether believers or non-believers). Hence, it may seem inappropriate for some believers. Well, it’s not just for you. It’s to impart the same truth to the world who needs The Way.

P.S Two: Please share this with anyone whom you know who need healing and/or want to be equipped in divine healing and health.

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Continual Breakthroughs With My Own Family

In recent times, I have seen many breakthroughs in healing for my own family. By that, I refer to my wife and my son, who are the closest to me.

For my son, I have seen pretty consistent healing for his flu, fever, cold and cough. Few days ago, he started to cough and had a runny nose. After ministering to him, he was completely healed within a day.

For my wife, healing is not as consistent as my son. But it is getting better. Few days ago, she was suddenly limping after school. There was a swell on her left knee. I ministered to her a couple of times with no result. So I prayed over a tissue and asked her to put it on her knee.

After a while, she stopped limping altogether. The pain and the swell left her. On the next day, she could walk for few hours in the mall! Come on Jesus!