Sunday 27 December 2015

Spiritual Warfare

And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. STAND still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” - Exo 14:13-14

Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s... You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, STAND still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you... - 2 Chronicles 20:15, 17

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to STAND against the wiles of the devil. - Ephesians 6:11

There is no more battle that we need to fight. Every battle belongs to the Lord. Yet the enemy is constantly trying to make us think that we have to war and fight against what he is doing. We called it spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is simply the enemy's way of engaging us TO fight with him. By doing so, we forget our identity and authority in Christ.

When Jesus died on the Cross, He had disarmed every principality and power (Col 2:15). The work is finished (John 19:30). Victory is already won in Christ (2 Cor 2:14).

Why do we need to STAND during a battle we face?

1) It is not our battle. Neither do we need to fight. In the Old Testament, God would fight for His people. In the New Testament, God has already fought for us on the Cross once and for all. 

2) To stand is to be still. We can only be still if we are confident of the outcome. 1 John 5:4 tells us what the outcome will be for every believer. "Whoever is born of God overcomes the world..." When we can't stand still, when we see a need to fight, we have let fear take over. That's when the enemy gets his way. He is the prince of fear. But Jesus is the Prince of Peace.

3) To stand is to know our true identity in Christ. We are seated with Christ in the heavenly places (Eph 2:6-7). As Christ is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). The moment we move away from our position (stand), we fall into the trap of the enemy.

4) In the OT, to stand is to SEE what The Lord would do. In the NT, to stand is to SEE what The Lord has done on the Cross. When we are simply seeing, we are resting. Resting is the hardest thing to do, especially us Singaporeans. Yet the Bible tells us that the only striving we should do is to REST (Heb 4:11).

David, in Psalm 23, revealed the secret to overcome any spiritual attack by the enemy. "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies..." - Psalm 23:5

To sit in the presence of Jesus, fellowship with Him over a meal (communion) and enjoy Him is simply RESTing. When that takes place, the enemy can only watch us enjoying victory. It must be very painful for him to see, because he desires that we will spend time engaging him by fighting with him.

When we war against the enemy, we are placing our focus on him. When we STAND and REST in The Lord, we are placing our focus on the One who always causes us to triumph.

Thursday 24 December 2015

Lee Wee Breakfast

Wifey and I went to Lee Wee Brothers for bread and egg breakfast.

As I was waiting for the eggs, I had a WOK for the auntie's left knee. She asked, "How did you know?" At the same time, she shared that she used to have the problem but now she is fine.

A word of knowledge can be a present issue (current pain), a past issue (past problem/injury) or recurring issue (pain that comes and goes).

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Emotional Healing

A client invited me into her house to share my sales plan when I knocked on her door. Although she couldn't sell her house now, she was very thankful that I helped her strategise what she could do. Her brother and friend are also in the property line but she had never heard the strategy before. When she asked, "Why is your name Wilson Barnabas?", I replied, "Barnabas is my baptism name." Immediately, I took the opportunity to minister to her. She ended up in tears and said, "This is the best Christmas gift." 

This is the reason for this season of Christmas. Christ came and gave us Himself. I'm loving my job. I can bring the Gospel wherever I go. Some people will never step into a church, but we can be the church to them.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Very Interesting

It's an interesting encounter today.

While doing door knocking at Punggol to present my sales plan, I came to a unit that has many Buddhist sculptures and mantra outside the house. After knocking at the door and speaking to the owner for a short while, he invited me to go in.

I was surprised to see many more sculptures, Buddhist paintings and mantra all over the house. He even dedicated one whole room to Buddhist relics, sculptures and other stuff. Hanging outside the windows in the living room are all the Buddhist flags with printed mantra.

After presenting my sales plan, we conversed casually about the cost of living in Singapore before engaging on the topic of Buddhism. The owner is a radical Buddhist who gives heed to Buddha's teachings and practises what he has learnt. I have gained much insight on the beliefs of Buddhism that I never knew before.

I waited for the right time to share about Jesus. Thankfully, he gave me the opportunity to do so. It took quite a while before I could share the entire Gospel with him. I had to start with the Holy Spirit, His protection against every other spirit and engaging heaven's realm before I could connect to the Gospel and talk about Jesus. I had to talk about how Christianity is different from Buddhism in that while Buddhists have to work their lives to heaven, Christians begin their lives in heaven and live towards earth. This opened up the whole conversation for the Gospel of Jesus to be shared - His identity as the Son of God; His perfect life; His blood and His death on the Cross.

He listened intently.

Then he said, "There is something different about your countenance. It is very bright. It is radiant." I told him that this is because we as Christians can commune directly with God. Radiance is a result of communion.

He added, "From the way you talk and the voice you have as well as your mannerism, you are very charismatic. You can be a good pastor." I shared with him that I worked in the church for the past 6 years. This granted me further opportunity to delve more about the Gospel.

I am loving this job in this season. Not only can I help people to grow their wealth practically, I can also help them to know Jesus.

Father, reveal Yourself to this owner powerfully. Encounter him tonight. Amen!

Sunday 13 December 2015

Thursday 3 December 2015

More Lord More More More!

This morning, I prayed, "Holy Spirit, grant me opportunities to minister healing."

While changing to Circle Line, I saw a man wearing a wrist guard. Prayed for him.

Then when I was changing to North-South Line, I felt a sudden heat on my left arm. I knew someone is in need of healing. I said, "Lord, who is it?"

I looked around and saw a Caucasian guy wearing a bandage of his left arm. Bingo!

Went to him and prayed. He's heading to TTSH for medical review.

I'm trusting God to heal them fully so that they encounter His goodness and come to know Him.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Severe Stomachache

I was suddenly down with severe stomachache last night. It was so bad that I felt giddy and vomited out my dinner.

After vomitting, I still experienced excruciating pain. Nevertheless, I kept confessing healing and health. Jeshua and Carol laid hands and prayed for me together.

From that moment onwards, my pain left totally! Praise Jesus!