Sunday 26 April 2015

2nd Outreach To TPY Town Park

Today is our second outreach to the domestic helpers at TPY town park.

Had a WOK for one of them - pain at elbow area. Prayed twice and she got completely healed.

Another with neck problem and she received complete healing. She was also prophesied over and she confirmed that she loves to make pastries and desires to start a shop.

Other healings took place - spine straightened, foot and ankle problems.

We also prayed for one with insomnia; one who couldn't conceive and one with stomach issue. As these couldn't be tested out on the spot, we are trusting for God to heal them completely.


Friday 24 April 2015

Indian Guy

Was chatting with the caretaker's brother at the church carpark and found out that his friend (whom I prayed for some time back) no longer has insomnia. Praise Jesus!

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Fish Soup At Food Alley

While making payment at the fish soup stall at the food alley, I had a WOK for the China female cashier regarding her neck.

She was surprised and wondered how I knew. She suffered from cervical spine problem that causes persistent but occasional pain at her neck area, as well as numbness at her left arm.

Prayed for her. Trusting that the Lord will heal her completely. Couldn't check as she didn't have pain at that moment.

She happens to be a Christian attending Fairfield Methodist Church.

Sunday 19 April 2015

Outreach To Filipinos

Today we went out to reach the Filipinos at TPY Town Park.

Many healings took place. Some were prophesied over. 

It's a joy to see their joyful and surprised expressions when they got healed.

More Lord!

Saturday 18 April 2015

Alpha Newcomers

There were quite a number of newcomers (not from our church) who came for Alpha programme.

One of them wasn't 100% certain of his faith. After speaking with him, I received a WOK when I walked away. Went back to him and asked if he had problem with his right knee.

He was surprised. But I shared with him a little more about God. He had this pain for few years. Prayed and he felt better.

Trusting that God will touch him powerfully through Alpha.

Inner Healing

Few years back, one prophet prophesied that one of my ministries would be in deliverance and healing. At that time, I was already interested in the spiritual realm and it's powers.

He said that I used to join the devil's company and now that I'm out of it, I will come against it to destroy his works.

Yesterday, we did inner healing for a walk-in lady's daughter. Through a WOK, I got to know that she had not forgiven herself for what happened in the past, even though she knew that God had forgiven her.

Asked her and she confirmed it. Finally, she forgave herself and released her past.

Forgiveness is the most powerful thing on earth. It is the reason why Jesus came. If one can understand the power of the Cross and walk in His forgiveness, a lot of sicknesses, diseases, emotional brokenness would not be there. Even the devil can have no hold on that person.

The devil can only have as much power as we give to him. When we believe in a lie, we empower him. If we believe in that lie long enough, the devil builds a stronghold in that area.

A stronghold, in ancient times, was a place where the army encamped and then went out from there to fight. If we allow the enemy to build a stronghold in an area of our lives, he encamps around there and keeps fighting against the truth in our mind - he steals, kills and destroys. This is why some people suffer various physical, emotional and other problems.

Only knowing the truth can set such a person free.

I'm praying that this girl whom we ministered to has understood the truth and she no longer needs to be tormented by the enemy.

I believe that the Gospel and the power of the Cross is more than enough to set anyone free. The only problem we face in our modern world is that we are quick to quit when we don't see results. We jump to other alternative methods - doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, self-improvement, etc.

When the Gospel doesn't seem to work, we stop. That's when we fail to experience the power of the Cross.

Truth doesn't change. The Gospel is sufficient. We just have to stick it and believe that Jesus is THE answer.

Thursday 16 April 2015

Gui Ling Gao Shop

Been having late nights. Decided to have gui ling gao at a shop in TPY Central.

Had a WOK for the lady in the shop - pain at right knee. She asked me how I knew. Prayed and she got totally healed. Talked to her about Jesus, but I could sense that she was quite cautious about it.

Friday 10 April 2015


Prayed for a lady on crutches.

Saw her two days later and she was walking without crutches. Praise Jesus!

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Lunch At Gourmet Paradise

Had lunch with some of my colleagues at Gourmet Paradise today.

As they went to order their food, I sat there with a stranger - an uncle who was eating mixed rice on his own.

Spoke to him and had a WOK concerning his left knee. After a short conversation, I asked him, "How's your left knee?"

He replied, "Do I know you?" I said, "No." He was curious. "Then why did you suddenly ask this?"

Apparently, he had problem with both knees and he's on glucosamine pills.

Wanted to pray for him but didn't manage to do so. 

As I went to buy my food, I was figuring out how to do it in a way that would not be awkward for him. I could go under the table and lay hands on his knees. I am totally good with that. But he would surely freak out.

When I came back, he finished his food, said goodbye to me, got up and left.

Teach me wisdom, Lord.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Indian Train Operator

Brought my son to ride on a children's train at Farrer Park.

Had a WOK for the Indian train operator - left knee.

Prayed for him. He tested it by stomping his foot hard. Healed by Jesus!

As there were many parents and children waiting for him to start operating the children's train, I quickly told him that Jesus blessed him.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Xin Wang Cafe

Had dinner with family at Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe at Fernvale Mall. While making payment, I had a WOK for the cashier - left shoulder. She said that it was an old ailment.

Prayed for her and she felt her shoulder 'loosened'. She then thanked me. More!

Friday 3 April 2015

Christian Uncle

WOK for driver - right side of his back.

He asked me how I knew. Shared the usual thing. He then shared with me that he also had hearing problem and showed me his hearing device.

Prayed for him. Trusting God to manifest the healing completely!

Thursday 2 April 2015

Driver's Neck

WOK for driver - back of neck. He said that he usually would not have it. But he had pain probably due to his sleeping posture on the previous night.

Didn't want to be ministered to though.