Wednesday 20 September 2023

Warning: If this offends you, you are taking offense at God

Warning: If this offends you, you are taking offense at God.

Years ago, when we were following the Bible, we were in the missions field in a small village. After preaching the Word, with baptism of the Spirit and miracles, we were brought to an open area for lunch.

We were served with plain rice and dog meat. Period.

What do you do when dog meat is placed in front of you and it's the heart of the locals to bless you with it?

Yes, we ate it. To obey the Gospel.

And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. But if not, it will return to you. And remain in the same house, eating and drinking what they provide, for the laborer deserves his wages. Do not go from house to house. Whenever you enter a town and they receive you, eat what is set before you. - Luke 10:6-8

Nowadays, many ministers no longer follow the Bible. Some demand to be flown to meetings by business class (airplane); some want organic food to be served; some want sparkling water; some expect a certain amount of honorarium, etc.

Post-modernism Christianity seeks comfort instead of the welfare of the recipients. If we want the Gospel peace (shalom) to be released to the environment bearing the harvest of righteousness, we need to follow the Word.

Thursday 14 September 2023

Eliminate Unnecessary Sufferings

"When you renew your mind to the word of God, you eliminate unnecessary suffering in this life. The only necessary suffering is what you suffer as you live godly in Christ, which is predominantly persecution, and some of the hardships of being a good soldier. When you renew your mind to the word of God, you cease suffering to sicknesses and diseases, because they are not the will of God."

- Curry Blake

Friday 8 September 2023

Led By The Spirit

Led By The Spirit

Living by the 'leading of the Spirit' may bring some results, but living by the Word brings consistent results.

The Word and the Spirit are One. But 'the leading of the Spirit' is not, because it's not always God. We can err on the carnal side and feelings, thinking that we are doing what the Spirit is leading when it is not Him.

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. - Rom 8:14

This verse is often misinterpreted as 'the leading of the Spirit', categorising it as someone who is spontaneously directed by the Spirit to do something.

The Greek word for 'led' in this passage means 'to impel, of forces and influences affecting the mind.'

A text without a context becomes the pretext for a proof text. Read the whole of Romans 8. Then read Romans 8:12-13 again, before you read Romans 8:14 and 8:15.

To be led by the Spirit is to live NOT according to the flesh. It's to live in the truth. It's to live under the influence of the mind of the Spirit (who is Christ). It's to live as sons. It's to live under His grace, and not under the law (cross ref Gal 5:18; Eph 5:18).

Hence, all sons and daughters of God are led by the Spirit because they have received the Spirit of adoption (Rom 8:15). It's not a spontaneous, flaky or sporadic thingy. It's the New Creation power to walk out the mind of Christ.

That is being led by the Spirit.

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Tongue = Maturity

Tongue is the indication of spiritual maturity (James 1:26; 3:2)

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. What you say is always an overflow of your heart.

If my heart is filled with joy, love and generosity, I will speak with joy, love and generosity.

If I think that I'm spiritually mature but my tongue is loose, then I have deceived my heart thinking that I'm mature but I'm not.

Monday 4 September 2023

Third World Missions Fields --- Rich In Faith

Third World Missions Fields --- Rich In Faith

Ever wondered why miracles take place in 'greater' quality, quantity and consistency in the missions fields? I have shared this in details in the book on divine healing.

It is often NOT the preachers who have faith to see the sick healed in the missions fields. If it is so, we would see the SAME consistency of quantity and quality in Singapore.

It is often the people in the missions fields who have faith to get healed. They had no money for specialists/doctors.

Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom... - James 2:5

Ministering in first world 'Crazy Rich Asians' will test us who preach and minister healing. If we stick to the Word, it forces us to confront our unbelief (Matt 17:20) so that we keep growing until we see the same consistency in the missions fields.

Yeah we can get many healed when we pray for many. But 200 healed out of 500 from the wheelchairs is only 40% effectiveness. Of course we thank God for those healed, but we can never be satisfied.

Jesus had 100% effectiveness. This means that we cannot settle for less. And there is no place for any complacency. Because we are called to follow Him, conform to His image and do what He did.

All things are possible to him who believes (Mk 9:23). Let's keep going!