Tuesday 25 February 2020

The Power In Christ

Jesus died to remove you from you. And He rose to replace you with Him. 

The Gospel is incomplete if we only preach on the forgiveness of sins. There is no power in a believer’s life when it’s only about the Saviour and the salvation of the spirit.

A believer’s power lies in the Resurrection. This is why Paul said that “I want to know Him and the POWER of His RESURRECTION.”

Forgiveness of sins and the Saviour is only 50% of the complete Gospel. It must be complete with His Kingdom reign and Lordship —— His life through us. Jesus!

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Empowerment Test

When people look to you because of what you teach and do, you fail the empowerment test.

When people look to the Truth because of what you teach and do, you pass the empowerment test.

Anointing VS Anointed

To teach the impartation of a particular/specific anointing is to live in the Old Covenant.

In the New Covenant, we have the Anointing (1 John 2:27; John 14:26) and the Anointed One (Matthew 16:16; Colossians 1:27).

What exactly is a 'particular/specific' anointing? It's a charismatic belief that says that you can impart what you are gifted with to others. You can't find that in the New Testament. The only verse they often quote is Rom 1:11. There is no other verse to support this and you can't build a whole doctrine on one verse. What is explicit must interpret the implicit. Rom 1:11 is more on imparting faith through establishing each other in the Gospel (Rom 1:12, 15:29, 16:25; 1 Thes 2:8-9, 3:2) than anything else.

Granted, faith is key to the activation in the gifts of the Spirit. We can impart (stir up) faith by the demonstration of a particular/specific gift. For example, if I teach on healing and demonstrate healing, someone who never walks in healing before will be stirred up in faith and be activated to walk in it. He doesn't need to receive 'an anointing of healing' because he already has the Anointing (the Holy Spirit who has all the gifts) and the Anointed One (Christ Himself). He is just being activated to walk in it BY FAITH.

If we want to impart anything, impart identity and empower people to know who they already are in Christ. This will help them to look away from you and look to Christ Himself.