Friday 27 November 2015

Salesperson At Courts - NEX

Word of knowledge for salesperson - back of right knee.

Turned out to be on his left.

Didn't manage to pray though.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Go Go Bambini

Brought Jeshua to the indoor playground at Go Go Bambini. This must be the most tiring playground I ever went. It felt like a marathon. Perhaps it was because I didn't have enough sleep on the previous day.

Before we left, I received a WOK - right neck for the Filipino cashier. She is a Seventh Day Adventist. She asked how I knew about her pain. I shared with her about Jesus.

Held her hand and prayed for her neck. She received partial healing. I wanted to pray more but it wasn't convenient as she had to work. I'm trusting that God's healing will manifest fully. Amen.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Outreach At Little India

Joined Soakability for their outreach at Little India. Many healings today...

One of them who received healing asked, "What happened? What happened? Why no more pain? What did you do?"

Shared Issa (Jesus) with him.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Back of Neck & Spine

Rushed down by cab after meeting my co-broke agent to Faith Methodist Church to preach in their prayer meeting.

Had a WOK for the Muslim driver - back of his neck. He shared that the pain came suddenly two months ago. He has been driving for more than ten years and this is the first time he experienced that. On top of it, he also had pain at his lower back since two months ago.

As I was running late, I prayed a quick prayer for him and released healing, before passing him my name card. Not an appropriate name card (agent's name card) to give though but I told him to give me a call and let me know how he is doing.

Heal him, Lord!

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Carrying His Presence

When we carry His presence, when we fix our eyes of the Person of Peace (Holy Spirit), we can release peace into the atmosphere that we walk in.

I'm encouraged that clients and agent can feel and see the difference.

Another Black Angel

Last night, I saw a black angel in silouette form on the left shoulder of the taxi driver. Checked with him and he confirmed it but he wasn't open to be prayed for.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Halloween Outreach

Took a cab after a viewing appointment to rush down for Halloween outreach.

WOK for the Muslim driver - Left shoulder healed.

Wore Ultron mask at the outreach. We went around Clarke Quay and Boat Quay, blessing people from different nationalities.

One of the highlights is when we went into a sleazy pub and did a fire tunnel for the young Indian girls, while some of the team members prophesied on the sex workers, resulting in tears in their eyes.

Awesome Jesus!