Sunday 18 October 2015


While buying a bottle of mineral water at the 7-eleven outside Potong Pasir station control, I received a word of knowledge for the Indian cashier concerning her ankle. She didn't allow me to touch her ankle.

I offered a handshake instead. Healing was released to her ankle via a handshake. She went, "Oh!! Yeah!!"

There is no method in healing. Healing is a Person. And His name is Jesus. The more we are conscious of Him, the more He is made conscious to others.

Torn Ligament

While walking to my client's home, I saw a tennager limping. Prayed for his torn ligament to be healed and he received partial healing immediately. Had to rush off though.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Door Knock - Healing

Was door knocking at a block near my place when the recipient was an auntie who wore a knee guard on her right knee. She said that her knee suffered a lack of joint fluid (lubricant) for many years.

Laid hand and prayed for her.

As she tested her knee, there was joy expressed from her countenance. She felt better. Praise Jesus!

As I continued to knock other doors, I felt heat on my own knee. This went on for a period of time. I know that the power of God has gone out and God is still healing her knee - the heat on my knee was a sign of His healing work. That's amazing.

She will receive complete healing. Amen.

Monday 5 October 2015

Ya Kun

Been staying at home, going out with my family, attending courses and running errands for the past two weeks.

Today, as I sat at Ya Kun waiting for my friend, I had a WOK for the Ya Kun staff. She was eating her lunch on the table beside me. Asked her if she had ache at her neck area (left side) and she nodded (but it's on her right side).

Didn't manage to pray for her as she wasn't so open.

This is always refreshing - being able to be a blessing.