Monday 21 September 2015


While I cabbed with a potential client to Beach Road, I had a WOK for the driver - strain at left side of his neck.

I asked him and he told me that he had injured that area many years ago. Thus, he would experience this strain frequently.

Laid hand and prayed quickly. He felt neck loosened as he rotated his neck to test out.

Representing Christ one soul at a time. Thank You Jesus for the privilege.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Ban Mian Stall

China lady received healing for her left foot via WOK while cooking my ban mian.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Slow Down And Look Up

While sitting at the foodcourt on my own, a middle-aged lady sat opposite me. As I was putting the noodles into my mouth, I was thinking, "God, give her an encounter." Immediately, I saw an image of her nose. I asked her, "Do you have nose allergy?" She responded, "Depends on the weather. I'm having abit of runny nose now. Why do you suddenly asked?"

Shared with her about Jesus. She's also a believer. Right at the foodcourt, I prayed for her to receive healing.

Jesus can't wait to show up to people around us. More often than not, we don't have the time to represent Him. We rush from one place to another. Now that I have the time, I can take time to look at what He is doing.

I look forward to providing my clients a space to encounter Jesus :)