Monday 31 August 2015

Final TPY Outreach

WOKs were released & healings took place.

This is my final outreach to TPY Town Park with the outreach team. I pray that they will continue to reach out to the domestic helpers and the community around TPY.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Fire Extinguisher - Servicing Guy

As I was preparing sermon in the church library, a guy entered the room. He said that he was here to service the fire extinguisher.

Immediately, I received a WOK concerning his left knee. Checked with him and he confirmed it. He said that he had pain for many years.

Prayed for him and he felt better. Trusting God for complete manifestation of that healing. Amen!

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Neck & Left Foot

WOK for driver - back of neck and left foot.

Surprisingly, after I asked him, I realised that his car was using the manual gear instead of the auto one. No wonder he had problem with his left foot.

Didn't manage to pray for him though.

Sunday 23 August 2015

Kids Motor Cars

Brought Jeshua to Punggol Promenade area where there is rental for kids' motor cars at $3.

Received a WOK for one of the part-time staff - right leg problem. As I spoke to him, he shared that he actually had stroke (I couldn't even tell just by looking) two years ago. As a result, he had problem with his right leg.

Prayed for him.

Heal him, Lord!

Saturday 15 August 2015


A PRC received healing for his neck through WOK. Then I got to rush to the seminar room.

Monday 10 August 2015

After Wake Service

After speaking at the wake service of a church member today, I took a cab home as we could claim for the transport.

Had a WOK for the driver concerning his left shoulder. Apparently, he had been going for acupuncture for both his shoulders.

Prayed and he received healing.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Meditation Power

Was thinking about my past - how AS caused me to have pain at the pelvic area and how I struggled through those periods.

All of a sudden, a sharp pain came back at my pelvic area.

Immediately, I confessed, "By the stripes of Jesus, I was healed. You have no right to be here."

Guess what? The pain just disappeared!

Indeed, what we think and meditate on becomes a reality. If we keep thinking about our past, we will stay in that realm without breakthrough. We may even experience the bad things of the past. But if we meditate on what Jesus has done, if we meditate on what we have in Christ, we will experience the blessings and walk in His promises.