Thursday 30 July 2015

Upper Spine

Went for home-bound visitation today with my colleague. On our way back, I had a WOK for the driver - upper spine.

He confirmed it and shared that it was caused by arthritis. Shared with him about Jesus.

Prayed for him and invited him for Taste & See. Heal him completely, Jesus!

Monday 27 July 2015

Back Of Neck - Driver

Saw an angel touching the back of the driver's neck. Checked with him and he said that he had this issue since he was a rugby player in ACS.

Did a quick prayer on him.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Reception Office

While checking out at the reception office, Aloha Loyang, I had a WOK for the lady attending to me - lower back problem.

She asked me how I knew. Shared Jesus with her. She explained that she has slipped disc, resulting in lower back problem.

Prayed for her. Thank You that You will heal her, Jesus!

Overnight Cycling

After we ended three sessions at youth leaders' retreat, we went for overnight cycling.

We are now at Changi Food Centre. While buying soya bean milk five minutes ago, I had a WOK for the auntie - back of right knee.

She said that her right knee is painful and it affects the back of the knee occasionally. Wanted to pray for her but she declined.

Heal her, Lord!

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Milkcow - Velocity

Was at Milkcow, Velocity with a friend. Had a WOK - sinus for one of the staff.

Prayed for her and shared a little about Jesus.

Thursday 9 July 2015

On My Way To Mt Alvernia

Saw a black silhouette at the back of the neck of the driver. Checked with him and he asked how I knew.

Shared the usual thing.

Didn't manage to pray for him as another passager was waiting to hire the cab.

Thought about his healing instead. Our thinking can form the reality.

Sunday 5 July 2015

Saturday 4 July 2015

Ankle Healed

Prayed for one guy who injured his ankle. He felt pain before prayer when he rotated his ankle.

After prayer, he could rotate his ankle freely without pain. Praise Jesus!

Thursday 2 July 2015

LS Cafe

Went with a few youth leaders from our church to LS cafe, which is located near the hotel.

Had a WOK for one of the waitresses - back of the neck. She acknowledged and said that she has that issue quite often.

Prayed and she felt good. Shared with her about Jesus.

Group 17

Had WOK for my YMLC group members.

1) Left side of neck
He received healing. Also received healing for his aching shoulders.

2) Sinus issue
Many had this problem. Prayed for all of them.

In the night, I received a WOK for one of them but didn't manage to pray for her. It had to do with her spine and long-standing lower back problem.

Jesus loves them all!

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Top Of Foot Healed

While making enquiry on free room WIFI, I noticed that the lady who attended to me was limping as she walked. Checked with her and she said that she fell and fractured the top of her foot.

She wore a foot guard.

Prayed for her and she exclaimed, "Oh! Better. No more pain!"

Thank You Jesus!

YMLC 2015

Back to Renaissance Hotel in JB for Young Methodist Leaders' Conference. Last year, I prayed for the manager's knee and back. He had a knee injury for years. God healed him instantly. Prayed for his back but didn't manage to follow up.

When I entered the hotel, he was the one to welcome us. I checked with him about his knee and back. He said that they are perfectly fine now! Praise Jesus!